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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-13 11:45

  本文選題:地址映射 + 磨損均衡; 參考:《西南交通大學》2016年碩士論文

【摘要】:閃存作為一種性能優(yōu)良的半導體存儲芯片,廣泛應用于諸如固態(tài)硬盤(SSDs)、存儲卡(SD cards)等設備。但由于閃存物理介質能承受的擦除次數有限,閃存芯片上共存的高頻更新數據(熱數據)和低頻更新數據(冷數據)會造成其物理介質的不均衡磨損,縮短其使用壽命。本文提出一種基于分組-偏向隨機游走的地址映射算法,利用程序訪問存儲器時體現的局部性和偏向隨機游走理論,將冷熱數據存儲在邏輯上相鄰的閃存物理塊中,并在此基礎上設計和實現了一種閃存轉換層控制器,F有的閃存轉換層傾向于利用不同的數據結構分別操控地址映射、磨損均衡及垃圾回收過程,與其不同的是,本文設計的閃存轉換層控制器通過一個核心數據結構操控并協(xié)調這三個過程,從而在消耗一定內存資源的條件下,簡化算法的數據結構。本文以磨損均衡效果較為穩(wěn)定的雙池算法和消耗內存較少的BET算法作為參照,從算法應對不同冷熱數據比例的能力、磨損均衡效果及內存消耗量三方面與本文提出的算法進行了比較。從算法應對不同比例冷熱數據的能力來看,BET只適用于熱數據占主導情況,而本文提出的算法與雙池算法都適用于冷數據占主導、熱數據占主導以及最接近真實冷熱數據共存比例的情況。在存儲數據的冷熱比例最接近真實情況時,本文提出算法的均衡磨損性能與雙池算法相當;且在熱數據占主導的情況下,本文提出算法的磨損性能優(yōu)于雙池算法;只有在冷數據占主導的情況下,本文提出算法的磨損均衡性能略遜于雙池算法。但本文提出算法對內存空間需求較大,針對這一缺陷,本文進一步簡化了算法的數據結構,從后續(xù)實驗結果來看,在算法整體思路不變的情況下,改進后的算法進一步優(yōu)化了磨損均衡效果,并有效地減少了內存開銷。實驗證明,本文提出的基于分組-偏向隨機游走的閃存地址映射及磨損均衡算法適用范圍廣,且可在占用較少內存資源的前提下,有效延長閃存存儲系統(tǒng)的使用壽命。
[Abstract]:As a semiconductor memory chip with excellent performance, flash memory is widely used in devices such as solid state hard disk (SSD), memory card (SD card) and so on. However, due to the limited erasure times of flash physical media, the coexistence of high frequency update data (thermal data) and low frequency update data (cold data) on flash memory chip will cause uneven wear and tear of physical medium and shorten its service life. In this paper, an address mapping algorithm based on packet-biased random walk is proposed. By using the local and biased random walk theory when the program accesses the memory, the cold and hot data are stored in the logically adjacent flash memory blocks. On this basis, a flash memory conversion layer controller is designed and implemented. The existing flash conversion layer tends to manipulate address mapping, wear balance, and garbage collection processes using different data structures. The flash transfer layer controller designed in this paper controls and coordinates these three processes through a core data structure, which simplifies the data structure of the algorithm under the condition of consuming some memory resources. In this paper, the two-cell algorithm with stable wear equalization effect and the BET algorithm with less memory consumption are taken as the reference, and the ability of the algorithm to deal with different ratios of cold and hot data is discussed. The wear equalization effect and memory consumption are compared with the proposed algorithm. From the view of the ability of the algorithm to deal with different proportions of cold and hot data, BET is only suitable for the dominant situation of thermal data, while the algorithm proposed in this paper and the dual-cell algorithm are both suitable for the dominance of cold data. Thermal data dominated and closest to the coexistence of real hot and cold data. When the ratio of cold and heat stored is the closest to the real situation, the equalization wear performance of the algorithm is equal to that of the two-cell algorithm, and the wear performance of the algorithm is superior to that of the double-cell algorithm when the thermal data is dominant. Only when the cold data is dominant, the wear equalization performance of the proposed algorithm is slightly inferior to that of the dual-cell algorithm. However, this paper proposes that the algorithm needs a large amount of memory space. In view of this defect, this paper further simplifies the data structure of the algorithm. From the results of subsequent experiments, under the condition that the whole idea of the algorithm remains unchanged, The improved algorithm further optimizes the wear equalization effect and effectively reduces the memory overhead. Experimental results show that the proposed flash address mapping and wear equalization algorithm based on grouping bias random walk has a wide range of applications and can effectively prolong the service life of flash memory system on the premise of occupying less memory resources.


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