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透過Apple Watch管窺智能穿戴設備的材質(zhì)設計策略

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-13 02:16

  本文選題:智能穿戴設備 + 材質(zhì)設計; 參考:《包裝工程》2016年24期

【摘要】:目的探索智能穿戴設備的材質(zhì)設計策略。方法以Apple Watch為研究對象,采用聚類分析方法提取代表樣本及材質(zhì)感性意象詞匯,運用SPSS軟件對抽取出的關鍵要素進行影響因子的計算和排序,驗證不同材質(zhì)選擇和搭配方式中用戶認知與產(chǎn)品定位的匹配性。結(jié)論從色彩、材料、工藝3個維度研究Apple Watch的材質(zhì)風格意象,建立數(shù)據(jù)模型,提出智能穿戴設計基于內(nèi)隱舒適性和外顯象征性的材質(zhì)設計策略。
[Abstract]:Objective to explore the material design strategy of intelligent wearable equipment. Methods taking Apple Watch as the research object, the representative samples and perceptual image words of material were extracted by cluster analysis, and the influence factors were calculated and sorted by SPSs software. Verify the matching between user cognition and product location in different material selection and collocation. Conclusion the material style image of Apple watch is studied from the three dimensions of color, material and technology, and the data model is established, and the strategy of material design based on implicit comfort and explicit symbolism is put forward.
【作者單位】: 福州大學;
【基金】:福建省中青年教師教育科研社科A類項目(JAS14654) 福建省教育科學“十二五”規(guī)劃項目(FJJKCG15-101) 福州大學第八批本科高等教育教學改革工程重大項目(521002);福州大學創(chuàng)新創(chuàng)業(yè)教育改革入庫項目(52005033)




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