

發(fā)布時間:2017-12-28 20:07

  本文關鍵詞:過氧化氫對銅綠微囊藻的生長及損傷效應研究 出處:《四川農業(yè)大學》2015年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 過氧化氨 銅綠微囊藻 生長 損傷效應 除藻

【摘要】:在社會的不斷發(fā)展和人類持續(xù)不斷的活動影響下,水體富營養(yǎng)化現象日趨嚴重,“水華”和“赤潮”的爆發(fā)也日趨頻繁,由此而引發(fā)的生態(tài)環(huán)境問題以及藻類的防治問題一直備受全世界的關注。目前,對于藻類的去除技術主要有化學、物理和生物方法,這些方法都有一定的缺陷,不能有效的大規(guī)模應用于實際水體除藻。近年來,人們發(fā)現一定濃度的過氧化氫能夠殺滅藻細胞,并且過氧化氫只含有氫和氧兩種元素,對環(huán)境污染小,是一種潛在的環(huán)保除藻劑。本文以銅綠微囊藻,一種能夠引起藍藻“水華”的特征優(yōu)勢藍藻為試驗材料,以藻細胞數和葉綠素a含量為指標來研究過氧化氫在單一環(huán)境因素與復合環(huán)境因素以及藻細胞自身因素影響下對銅綠微囊藻生長的影響,以期為藍藻水華的治理和過氧化氫除藻技術提供更加全面的科學依據。然后從藻細胞氧化與抗氧化能力的角度分析過氧化氫對銅綠微囊藻的損傷效應,以總抗氧化能力(T-AOC)水平、類胡蘿卜素和丙二醛(MDA)含量變化為指標來研究過氧化氫對銅綠微囊藻的氧化損傷機制,為過氧化氫除藻的機理提供一定的理論參考。同時,通過對培養(yǎng)基中過氧化氫含量分析來簡單探討過氧化氫除藻之后對水體環(huán)境的影響,可在一定程度上為實際應用過氧化氫除藻的環(huán)境可行性提供依據。本研究的主要成果有:(1)不同濃度的H202處理藻液,會對藻細胞產生不同程度的毒害作用,H202濃度越大,毒害作用越大。24h之后,銅綠微囊藻藻細胞數、葉綠素a含量、類胡蘿卜素含量、蛋白質含量以及T-AOC都有了非常大的減小,而MDA含量顯著增加,同時培養(yǎng)基中的H202含量也迅速降低;隨著處理時間的增加,毒害作用一直延續(xù),培養(yǎng)基中H202也逐漸被消耗和分解,72h之后,藻細胞各指標含量的數值降得很低,同時MDA含量也增加到最大,藻細胞的損傷效應也達到最大。其中,H202濃度為50mg/L時,能夠有效的去除藻細胞,并且對藻細胞的生理指標以及抗氧化能力都有很強的損傷效應,并且72h之后,培養(yǎng)基中H202的含量減少了98%,殘留量很低。(2)水體中溶液pH值的大小、溫度以及光照都會影響銅綠微囊藻的生長,同時也會對H202的除藻效果產生影響。pH7.5-8.5的微堿性環(huán)境條件最適合銅綠微囊藻生長繁殖,而在pH6.5-7.5的中性環(huán)境條件下,H202對銅綠微囊藻的去除以及藻細胞葉綠素a含量的降低效果較好,中、堿性(pH7.5~9.5)的環(huán)境條件更有利于培養(yǎng)基中H202的消耗與分解。在20~30℃的溫度范圍內,H202都能有效去除銅綠微囊藻,溫度對H202除藻影響差異不大。25001x-45001x的光照下,銅綠微囊藻有較高的生長量,以光照為35001x時,其生長量達到最大;H202去除藻細胞,在短時間內,低光照強度有利于H202去除銅綠微囊藻,但隨著時間的增加,光照的影響作用不太明顯;在相同的時間內,光照強度越大,培養(yǎng)基中H202的殘留量越低。(3)正交試驗結果表明,光照、溫度、pH和H202濃度四個因素中,對藻細胞去除率影響大小的因素依次是:H202濃度pH光照溫度;對藻細胞葉綠素a含量去除影響最大因素也是H202濃度,影響最小的是pH值;而對培養(yǎng)基中H202殘留量的影響大小順序是:H202濃度光照pH溫度。結合正交試驗與實際情況,確定去除銅綠微囊藻的最佳條件是光照為15001x、H202濃度為50mg/L、pH值為7.5、溫度為25℃。(4)銅綠微囊藻自身因素也會對H202的除藻效果產生一定的影響。50mg/L H202處理藻液時,藻液的初始藻細胞數大小對H202除藻影響不大。72h內,初始藻細胞數為1×106~1×107個/ml時,H202除藻的效果差別不是很大,當初始藻細胞數超過2×107個/ml時,相同濃度的H202,除藻效果略有下降。對于不同生長階段的藻細胞,H202對其生長及損傷效應的影響不一樣,對藻細胞的去除效果也不一樣。H202對衰亡期藻細胞的損傷效應最大,去除效果也最好,其次是適應期的藻細胞,穩(wěn)定期和對數期的藻細胞損傷效應差異不顯著。H202是一種潛在的除藻劑,本身分解也只產生水和氧氣,對環(huán)境無污染,可以用H202來殺滅水體中的銅綠微囊藻,這對于藍藻“水華”的治理意義重大。在實際應用H202除藻時,H202的用量是關鍵,還要充分考慮光照、pH和溫度的影響,同時,也可以根據“水華”爆發(fā)的程度來適當的調節(jié)H202的施用量。這對于指導實際應用H202除藻具有重要的意義。
[Abstract]:Under the influence of continuous development of society and continuous human activities, the phenomenon of water eutrophication is becoming more and more serious. The outbreak of "bloom" and "red tide" is becoming more frequent. The problem of ecological environment and algae control has been attracting worldwide attention. At present, there are mainly chemical, physical and biological methods for algae removal. These methods have some shortcomings and cannot be applied to algae removal in real water. In recent years, it has been found that a certain concentration of hydrogen peroxide can kill algal cells, and hydrogen peroxide contains only two elements of hydrogen and oxygen, and it has little environmental pollution, and it is a potential environmental protection algicidal agent. In this paper, Microcystis aeruginosa, which can cause the characteristic advantage of blue-green algae bloom cyanobacteria as the experimental material, the number and chlorophyll a content of algal cells to study the influence index of hydrogen peroxide on the growth of Microcystis aeruginosa in a single environment and complex environmental factors and self factors of algal cells under the influence, in order to cyanobacterial blooms governance and hydrogen peroxide removal technology to provide more comprehensive scientific basis. Then the damage effect analysis of hydrogen peroxide from algal cell oxidation and antioxidant ability of Microcystis aeruginosa, the total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC), the level of carotenoid and malondialdehyde (MDA) content as an index to study of hydrogen peroxide on Microcystis oxidative damage mechanism for hydrogen peroxide algae removal mechanism to provide a theoretical reference the. At the same time, by analyzing the content of hydrogen peroxide in the culture medium, we simply discussed the influence of hydrogen peroxide on the water environment after algae removal. It can provide a basis for the practical application of hydrogen peroxide to remove algae. The main results of this study are: (1) different concentrations of H202 can produce different degrees of toxicity to algal cells. The greater the concentration of H202, the greater the toxicity. After 24h, the content of protein and T-AOC of Microcystis aeruginosa algal cell number, chlorophyll a, carotenoid content, have been reduced very large, and the concentration of MDA increased, while H202 content in the medium is rapidly decreased; with the increase of treatment time, toxicity has been extended, after the medium H202 is gradually consumed and decomposition, 72h, numerical indexes of algal cell content drop very low, and the content of MDA is increased to the maximum, the damage effect of algal cells also reached the maximum. Among them, when H202 concentration is 50mg/L, it can effectively remove algal cells, and has strong damage effect on physiological and antioxidant capacity of algal cells. After 72h, the H202 content in culture medium is reduced by 98%, and the residue is very low. (2) the size, temperature and light of the pH value in the water will affect the growth of Microcystis aeruginosa, and also influence the algae removal effect of H202. Micro alkaline conditions pH7.5-8.5 the most suitable for the growth of Microcystis aeruginosa and breeding in neutral pH6.5-7.5 condition, H202 removal of Microcystis aeruginosa by algae and chlorophyll a content decreased better in alkaline (pH7.5 ~ 9.5) environmental conditions more conducive to the decomposition of H202 in culture medium consumption. In the temperature range of 20~30 C, H202 can effectively remove Microcystis aeruginosa, and there is little difference in the effect of temperature on H202 removal of algae. 25001x-45001x under the light of Microcystis aeruginosa growth was higher, in light of 35001x, the growth rate reached the maximum; the H202 removal of algal cells, in a short time, low light intensity H202 is conducive to the removal of Microcystis aeruginosa, but with the increase of time, with less obvious effects of light; at the same time, the greater the light intensity, the lower the residual amount of H202 in the culture medium. (3) the results of orthogonal test showed that light, temperature, pH and concentration of H202 four factors, the factors affecting the removal rate of algae cell size were: H202 concentration pH light temperature; remove the influence biggest factor is the concentration of H202 on chlorophyll a content, the minimum impact value of pH; the medium H202 residues affect the size of the order is: the concentration of H202 light pH temperature. Based on the orthogonal test and the actual situation, the best conditions to remove Microcystis aeruginosa were illumination 15001x, H202 concentration 50mg/L, pH value 7.5, and temperature 25 centigrade. (4) the self factors of Microcystis aeruginosa also have a certain effect on the effect of H202 on algae removal. When 50mg/L H202 treated the algae solution, the number of initial algal cells in the algal solution had little effect on H202 removal of algae. In 72h, when the initial algal cell number is 1 * 106~1 * 107 /ml, the effect of H202 on algae removal is not very different. When the initial algal cell number exceeds 2 * 107 /ml, the same concentration of H202 has a slight decrease in algal removal effect. The effects of H202 on the growth and damage of algal cells at different stages of growth are different, and the effect on the removal of algae cells is different. H202 had the greatest damage effect on algal cells in the decline stage, and the best removal effect was followed. The second is the algal cells in the adaptation phase. There was no significant difference in the effect of algal cell damage between stable phase and logarithmic phase. H202 is a potential algicidal agent. It decomposes itself to produce water and oxygen and pollute the environment. H202 can be used to kill Microcystis aeruginosa in water. This is of great significance for the control of cyanobacteria bloom. In the practical application of H202, the amount of H202 is the key to remove algae, and we should take full account of the influence of light, pH and temperature. At the same time, we can adjust the amount of H202 appropriately according to the degree of "bloom". This is of great significance for guiding the practical application of H202 algae removal.


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