

發(fā)布時間:2017-12-28 09:24

  本文關鍵詞:苯胺污染土壤的固化穩(wěn)定化快速處置技術研究 出處:《中國海洋大學》2015年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 苯胺 過硫酸鉀 氧化降解 土壤 固化穩(wěn)定化

【摘要】:突發(fā)性化學污染事故頻率高、影響大,所涉及的污染物濃度高、毒性強,對環(huán)境安全和人體健康都存在嚴重威脅。苯胺是一種重要的有機化工原料和化工產(chǎn)品,具有致癌、致畸、致突變性。由于固化穩(wěn)定化能夠有效處理污染土壤,但在有機污染土壤領域的應用仍存在一定局限性,因此本課題將氧化降解與固化穩(wěn)定化技術相結合,針對突發(fā)性化學污染事故造成的高濃度苯胺污染土壤開展了快速、高效的處置技術研究。本課題采用水泥為固化劑,過硫酸鉀為氧化劑,活性炭為吸附劑,對苯胺污染土壤的固化穩(wěn)定化處理進行試驗研究,并對固化產(chǎn)物的特性進行觀察分析,探討不同的藥劑添加配比對苯胺固定效果的影響,以及對固化體的微觀形貌的影響。試驗首先研究了不同的反應溫度、氧化劑濃度、初始pH條件下,過硫酸鉀氧化降解苯胺的效果。結果表明,隨溫度升高、過硫酸鉀濃度增加,苯胺的降解率也相應提高,當反應溫度為40℃,過硫酸鉀與苯胺的摩爾比為100,初始pH為5~11時,水中苯胺的降解效果最佳,150 min后降解率可達94.1%。試驗進一步研究了過硫酸鉀對于土壤中苯胺污染物降解去除的適用性。結果表明,過硫酸鉀能夠有效降解土壤中的苯胺,在40℃條件下,過硫酸鉀與苯胺的摩爾比為100時,苯胺的降解率達到98.6%,反應過程較水溶液中進行得更快,且適用于不同pH的土壤環(huán)境中。研究了基于過硫酸鉀的高級氧化技術、基于活性炭的吸附作用以及水泥基固化穩(wěn)定化技術相結合條件下對苯胺污染土壤的處理效果。探索了不同的水泥添加量對污染物固定效果的影響,隨著水泥添加量的增大,固定率越來越高,水泥的添加量為30%(占污染土壤的質(zhì)量比)是固化苯胺污染土壤的最佳配比,對于較低濃度(以50 mg/kg為代表)的苯胺污染土壤,僅使用水泥進行固化處置即可達到環(huán)境要求。探索了土壤中污染物濃度對固化效果的影響,在水泥的添加量一定時,隨著苯胺濃度的增加,固定效果越來越差。通過向其中添加活性炭可降低浸出液中苯胺的含量,固定率隨活性炭添加量的增大而提高,對于2000 mg/kg苯胺污染土壤,添加5.0%活性炭(占污染土壤的質(zhì)量比)和30%水泥,則可滿足固定率達到90%以上的要求。對于高濃度苯胺污染物,需要向其中同時添加過硫酸鉀和活性炭方可達到較好的固定效果。實驗配制苯胺濃度為10000 mg/kg的模擬污染土壤,當添加劑投加量分別為水泥30%,活性炭5.O%,過硫酸鉀14.5%時,對于目標污染物的處置效果較好,固定率達到94.07%。觀察分析了固化體的微觀形貌,固化體中發(fā)生了明顯的水化反應,且污染土壤與干凈土壤在不同的添加劑配比條件下化學成分基本一致;雖然有機物苯胺的存在不利于水泥的水化反應過程,固化體中顆粒細小而分散,但通過添加活性炭和過硫酸鉀減小了這種影響,養(yǎng)護完成后的固化體表面基本無裂縫,結構致密。
[Abstract]:The sudden chemical pollution accidents have high frequency and great influence, and the concentration of pollutants is high and the toxicity is strong, and there are serious threats to environmental safety and human health. Aniline is an important organic chemical raw material and chemical product. It has carcinogenic, teratogenic and mutagenicity. Because of solidification and stabilization can effectively deal with the pollution of soil, but the application in the field of organic contaminated soil still has some limitations, so this issue will be oxidative degradation and solidification and stabilization technology combined with high concentration of aniline polluted soil resulting in sudden chemical accident to carry out the research of fast and efficient disposal technology. This paper uses cement as curing agent and potassium persulfate as oxidant, activated carbon as adsorbent, solidification and stabilization of aniline polluted soil were studied, and the properties of the cured product were analyzed, to explore the different effects of reagent addition ratio of aniline fixed effect, and the influence of microstructure on the solidified body the. The effect of oxidation degradation of aniline by potassium persulfate under different reaction temperature, oxidant concentration and initial pH condition was first studied. The results showed that the degradation rate of aniline increased with the increase of temperature and the concentration of potassium persulfate. When the reaction temperature was 40 degrees, the molar ratio of potassium persulfate to aniline was 100, and the initial pH was 5~11, the degradation effect of aniline in water was the best, and the degradation rate after 150 min could reach 94.1%. The applicability of potassium persulfate for degradation of aniline pollutants in soil was further studied. The results show that potassium persulfate can effectively degrade aniline in soil. When the molar ratio of potassium persulfate to aniline is 100 at 40 degree, the degradation rate of aniline is 98.6%, the reaction process is faster than that in aqueous solution, and it is suitable for different pH soil environments. The effects of advanced oxidation technology based on potassium persulfate, adsorption based on activated carbon and cement based solidification stabilization technology on aniline contaminated soil were studied. To explore the different cement additives on the pollutant fixed effect, with the increase of amount of cement, the fixed rate is more and more high, add the amount of cement is 30% (the quality of contaminated soil than) is the best curing ratio of aniline polluted soil, for low concentration (50 mg/kg) aniline pollution the soil solidified disposal can reach environmental requirements using only cement. The effect of the concentration of pollutants in the soil on the curing effect was explored. With the increase of the content of the cement, the fixing effect was worse and worse with the increase of the concentration of aniline. By adding activated carbon into which can reduce the content of aniline in the leaching solution, the amount of fixed rate increases with the addition of activated carbon for 2000 mg/kg aniline contaminated soil, adding 5% activated carbon (the quality of contaminated soil and cement ratio) 30%, can meet the requirements of the fixed rate reached more than 90%. For high concentration of aniline, potassium persulfate and activated carbon should be added to the high concentration of aniline at the same time. The simulated contaminated soil with aniline concentration of 10000 mg/kg was prepared. When the dosage of additives was cement 30%, activated carbon 5.O% and potassium persulfate 14.5%, the disposal effect of target pollutants was good, and the fixation rate reached 94.07%. To observe and analyze the microstructure of solidified body, the hydration reaction was solidified, and the chemical components of polluted soil and clean soil additive ratio in different conditions are basically the same; although organic aniline is not conducive to the existence of the hydration process of cement, fine particles solidified and dispersed, but by adding activated carbon and potassium persulfate to reduce this effect, the solidified surface maintenance after the completion of the basic crack free and dense structure.


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