

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-12-28 08:05

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:應(yīng)用優(yōu)化藻坪技術(shù)調(diào)控富營(yíng)養(yǎng)化景觀水體冬季氮磷研究 出處:《福建師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 藻坪裝置 冬季 景觀水體

【摘要】:當(dāng)前,國(guó)內(nèi)景觀水體的富營(yíng)養(yǎng)化問題嚴(yán)重并逐漸為人們所重視。本研究針對(duì)福州大學(xué)城某校區(qū)中的景觀水體同時(shí)具有河道和湖泊類型的特點(diǎn),提出了“分區(qū)’修復(fù)對(duì)策。同時(shí),由于該景觀水體全年都處于重富營(yíng)養(yǎng)化狀況,而目前的生態(tài)修復(fù)方法在冬季存在處理效率低的問題,因此,本研究同步提出“分季節(jié)”的修復(fù)對(duì)策,并針對(duì)冬季水體特征展開優(yōu)化藻萍裝置調(diào)控氮磷營(yíng)養(yǎng)鹽實(shí)驗(yàn),旨在提出有效的冬季景觀水體修復(fù)技術(shù)。2014年11月到2015年1月間進(jìn)行采樣,分析該景觀水體冬季水環(huán)境情況。結(jié)果表明,該景觀水體的水溫在13.5-20.4℃,TN濃度在2.00-13.56 mg/L,TP濃度在0.11-0.56 mg/L,水體氮磷比值在8-81。景觀水體水質(zhì)為劣五類水,湖泊區(qū)冬季仍處于富營(yíng)養(yǎng)化狀態(tài),水體的營(yíng)養(yǎng)限制型為磷限制型。在實(shí)驗(yàn)室模擬藻坪裝置對(duì)該冬季景觀水體的凈化效果,分析不同材質(zhì)、運(yùn)行參數(shù)以及藻群結(jié)構(gòu)對(duì)景觀水體的凈化效率。結(jié)果發(fā)現(xiàn),竹材藻坪裝置在30天運(yùn)行下氮磷去除率為25-50%,而塑材藻坪裝置在同等時(shí)間下氮磷去除率為25-35%。通過改變流速和流量等運(yùn)行參數(shù),30天內(nèi)氮磷去除率提高至50-60%。在此基礎(chǔ)上,通過添加硅藻,優(yōu)化藻坪裝置的藻群結(jié)構(gòu),發(fā)現(xiàn)裝置在30天內(nèi)總氮去除率可以提高至76.1%,總磷去除率可以提高至71.3%。說明對(duì)藻坪裝置的優(yōu)化,可以提高其在冬季的運(yùn)行效率。景觀水體冬季的總氮負(fù)荷量達(dá)到413.21 kg,總磷負(fù)荷量為11.72kg,其中磷達(dá)到國(guó)家Ⅲ類水質(zhì)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)需要去除總磷負(fù)荷量為9.38 kg。假設(shè)設(shè)置長(zhǎng)160 m,寬1.5 m,流量為8.4 m3/h的野外藻坪裝置,根據(jù)小試結(jié)果,可以估算野外裝置除氮效率為1.6g/m2·d,除磷效率為0.31 g/m2·d,設(shè)計(jì)的野外藻坪裝置穩(wěn)定運(yùn)行需兩個(gè)月,穩(wěn)定運(yùn)行后每天去除景觀水體的總氮可以達(dá)到384 g,去除的總磷可以達(dá)到74.4 g,共需運(yùn)行126天可使磷濃度達(dá)到國(guó)家Ⅲ類水質(zhì)標(biāo)準(zhǔn),將大大減少景觀水體在冬季的氮磷營(yíng)養(yǎng)鹽負(fù)荷。藻坪裝置在處理氮磷營(yíng)養(yǎng)鹽負(fù)荷的同時(shí),可以回收藻坪中的藻體進(jìn)行資源化利用。本研究為提升景觀水體冬季氮磷去除率和生態(tài)修復(fù)效果提供了科學(xué)參考。
[Abstract]:At present, the problem of eutrophication in the domestic landscape water body is serious and has gradually been paid attention to by people. This study aims at the characteristics of river and lake types in the landscape water body of a campus of Fuzhou University, and puts forward the Countermeasures of "zoning" restoration. At the same time, because the annual landscape water eutrophication is heavy, but the ecological restoration methods currently exist in winter treatment of the problem of low efficiency, therefore, this study proposed restoration measures of seasonal synchronization ", and according to the characteristics of winter water optimizing algae Ping device regulation of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients experiment, aims to put forward in winter landscape water remediation technology effectively. From November 2014 to January 2015, sampling was carried out to analyze the water environment of the landscape water in winter. The results show that the water temperature of the landscape water is at 13.5-20.4 C, the concentration of TN is 2.00-13.56 mg/L, the concentration of TP is 0.11-0.56 mg/L, and the ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus in water body is 8-81. The water quality of the landscape water is five kinds of water, and the lake area is still eutrophic in winter, and the nutrient restriction type of the water body is the phosphorus restricted type. In the laboratory, we simulated the purification effect of algae flat plant on the winter landscape water, and analyzed the purification efficiency of different material, operation parameters and algae structure on landscape water. The results showed that the removal rate of nitrogen and phosphorus was 25-50% under 30 days, while the removal rate of nitrogen and phosphorus was 25-35% at the same time. By changing the operating parameters such as flow rate and flow rate, the removal rate of nitrogen and phosphorus in 30 days is increased to 50-60%. On this basis, by adding diatoms to optimize algal structure of algae flat plants, it is found that the total nitrogen removal rate can be increased to 76.1% within 30 days, and the total phosphorus removal rate can be increased to 71.3%. It shows that the optimization of the algal flat device can improve its operating efficiency in winter. The total nitrogen load of landscape water in winter is 413.21 kg, and the total phosphorus load is 11.72kg, of which phosphorus reaches the national class III water quality standard, and the total phosphorus load is 9.38 kg. Assuming that the set length 160 m, width 1.5 m, flow rate of 8.4 m3/h algal field device, according to the experimental results, we can estimate the field device nitrogen removal efficiency is 1.6g/m2 - D, the phosphorus removal efficiency was 0.31 g/m2 - D, the design of field algal device and stable operation for two months, after the stable operation of daily total nitrogen removal landscape water can reach 384 g, the total phosphorus removal can reach 74.4 g, a total of 126 working days to reach the national standard of phosphorus concentration in water, will greatly reduce the landscape water in nitrogen and phosphorus load in winter. The algae Ping device can recycle the algae in the algae flat while treating the nitrogen and phosphorus nutrient load. This study provides a scientific reference for improving the nitrogen and phosphorus removal rate and ecological restoration effect in the landscape water body in winter.


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