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  本文關(guān)鍵詞:深水半潛式錨泊定位系統(tǒng)控制策略及半物理仿真研究 出處:《哈爾濱工程大學(xué)》2014年博士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 自動(dòng)錨泊定位 錨鏈動(dòng)力分析 廣義α算法 區(qū)間輸入時(shí)滯 保性能控制

[Abstract]:By the wind, wave, flow disturbances such as marine environmental impact, semi submersible platform will inevitably have six degrees of freedom motions, the semi submersible platform on the horizontal direction of the surge, sway and yaw motion with restoring force, leading to the platform gradually deviate from the equilibrium position, and thus a threat to safety and performance submersible platform. Therefore, performance of platform positioning system. Mooring positioning and dynamic positioning is by far the most widely used positioning system, but the system positioning accuracy of mooring positioning is low, economic dynamic positioning system, this paper proposes a switching control cable with automatic mooring positioning system. The system guarantee the positioning the accuracy of platform, reducing the overall cost of the system, taking into account the uniform distribution of cable tension field, avoid tension caused by uneven distribution of chain breaking security risks, improve Safety positioning system. For the dynamic characteristics of the automatic positioning of semi submersible platform mooring research, firstly, the low frequency motion model of the platform is analyzed, to simplify the design of control system and is convenient for the analysis of the controlled object, the system equation is linearized at low speed state, establish the platform frequency equations of motion with the form of state space. Mooring damping directly affects the accuracy of predicting the response of semi submersible platform and its mooring system, using the static analysis method to estimate the mooring damping, response and damping matrix in the motion equation of the working platform added damping coefficient calculated by the more accurate calculation of the motion of the platform. Analysis of semi submersible platform by sea disturbance the establishment of nature, wind, ocean currents, the first-order wave force and two order wave force interference model, and according to the target platform for the numerical simulation to determine the different level of Hai Qing Marine disturbance, Taiwan the moment. Explaining the necessity of dynamic analysis, the motion model of elastic rod theory ignores the bending stiffness of the anchor chain. The theory of elastic rod established considering nonlinear factors, rigorous derivation. The deduced chain motion control equation is a nonlinear differential equation, it is difficult to the analytical solution, so the finite element method is used to convert the differential equations into weak form, and the numerical integration method to solve the equations for dynamic analysis of anchor chain. This paper introduces some commonly used numerical integration methods, based on the analysis of advantages and disadvantages of various methods, with two order accuracy improvement the generalized algorithm is unconditionally stable and controllable numerical damping properties of the dynamic analysis of the anchor chain. Further, the coupling analysis of platform and mooring system using the indirect method in time domain, first With the three dimensional potential flow theory, the hydrodynamic parameters of semi submersible platform in the frequency domain, and then through the frequency domain conversion will establish a time-domain coupled equations of hydrodynamic parameters and transform domain response platform and chain movement. Analysis of mooring automatic positioning system of semi submersible platform according to its characteristics, with input delay and characteristics uncertainty, illustrate the limitations of LQR control. Combined with the theory of linear matrix inequalities, a robust control algorithm and Lyapunov stability theory, are designed with input delay interval H control strategy and the guaranteed performance control strategies to generate resistance control environmental perturbation force (torque). H control strategy with input delay interval considering the lower bound of delay is not zero, in the construction process of the Lyapunov function, also contains information on the lower bound of delay; guaranteed cost control strategy design process, will be out With input delay guaranteed performance control extended to the designated location error vector form based on the platform. In order to achieve the two kinds of controller designed to solve due to uncertain hydrodynamic parameters of model uncertainty and input delay due to problems caused by the chain switching from different angles. In order to ensure the focus on optimizing the distribution of cable tension based on the position of the target platform, combined with the mooring system model, by defining the objective function for the cable tension difference square and minimum tension to achieve uniform distribution, and the location of the target platform is to satisfy the constraint conditions. Based on the idea of Memetic, combining genetic algorithm with strong global searching ability and has improved the strong local search ability of the simulated annealing algorithm, a hybrid optimization algorithm to design the control platform position to the desired position required force (torque) evenly divided 12 ration chain, to ensure a balanced distribution of cable tension field, and the value chain optimization as the switching threshold. Finally, the simulation experiment of semi physical mooring automatic positioning system of semi submersible platform, the experimental results show that the localization scheme design is reasonable, the control strategy has good performance.



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