

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-16 18:32

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:夏季東海東北部營養(yǎng)鹽的分布變化特征 出處:《海洋與湖沼》2017年04期  論文類型:期刊論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 營養(yǎng)鹽 生物地球化學(xué)過程 長江沖淡水 黑潮 次表層葉綠素最大值層 東海東北部

[Abstract]:In July 2010 and July 2011, the typical CTD parameters and nutrient samples were measured in the northeast waters of the East China Sea along the direction of Yangtze River flooding and fresh water diffusion. The purpose of this paper is to understand the response process of the region to the diluted water of the Yangtze River under different runoff conditions and the distribution and variation characteristics of the nutrients in the Yangtze River. The results show that in July 2010 the runoff of the Yangtze River is large. The diffusion range of Yangtze River diluted water (salinity 31) from west to east is obviously larger than that of July 2011, where the runoff is small, and contains high concentration of no _ 3-N (for example, 15 渭 mol / L). The range of sea water diffusion is opposite in two voyages, due to the stratification of seawater and the absorption of surface phytoplankton. The concentration of no _ 3-N _ 2O _ 3-SiO _ (4-P) in the surface layer of each station is generally low. The concentrations of NH_4-N in the thermohalocline layer and below the maximum chlorophyll layer in the subsurface layer increased and gradually stabilized. In July 2010, the concentration of NH_4-N in the whole depth of the stations in the study area was significantly higher than that in July 2011. Compared with the Yangtze River diluted water and the Changjiang Estuary. The molar ratios of nutrients such as SiO_3-Si/NO_3-N and PO_4-P/NO_3-N in the surface waters of the northeast East China Sea decreased obviously. The water masses such as the Kuroshio subsurface water and the Kuroshio middle water contained higher concentrations. Concentration of nutrients (. NO_3-N. Compared with the fresh water flushed by the Yangtze River, SiO_3-Si and PO4-PX may constitute another important source of nutrients in the northeast of the East China Sea.
【作者單位】: 河口海岸學(xué)國家重點實驗室華東師范大學(xué);
【基金】:國家自然科學(xué)基金,41676066號 科技部重點研發(fā)計劃,2016YFA0600902號 國家重點基礎(chǔ)研究發(fā)展計劃,2010CB951203號
【正文快照】: 東海是西太平洋中半封閉的陸架邊緣海,是世界最大的陸架海之一,其北部與黃海以長江口-濟州島連線為界,東北部通過對馬海峽與日本海相連,南部通過臺灣海峽與南海相連,東部和東南部與太平洋以沖繩海槽為界(圖1)。該區(qū)域水動力環(huán)境復(fù)雜,受到長江沖淡水、東海陸架水、臺灣暖流、黑


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