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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-16 14:30

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:中國近海海溫長期變化特征及其對沿岸氣候的影響 出處:《中國氣象科學(xué)研究院》2014年博士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 中國近海 海溫長期變化 沿岸氣候 “海效降水”

【摘要】:海-氣相互作用是氣候變化和變異研究的重要問題。海洋對大氣以熱力作用為主,而海溫是海洋最重要的熱力參數(shù)。本文分析探討了中國近海地區(qū)海表水溫長期變化及其對沿岸地帶中尺度天氣氣候現(xiàn)象發(fā)生和演化的可能影響。首先利用英國Hadley中心近142年逐月全球海溫資料集,分析了中國近海近142年海溫氣候?qū)W特征和長期變化特征及其可能原因;然后利用近51年山東省冬季逐日降水資料分析了山東半島“海效降水”及其與近海海溫和海冰的作用機(jī)理;最后采用沿岸自動站逐時風(fēng)速、風(fēng)向資料,初步分析了我國沿岸地帶典型地點海陸風(fēng)環(huán)流特征。本文得到以下主要結(jié)論: (1)近142年中國近海海溫在各個海區(qū)均有顯著增加趨勢,其中以東海增暖最顯著;增溫主要從上世紀(jì)40年代開始,60-70年代變化較小,90年代增溫最顯著,但進(jìn)入本世紀(jì),增溫趨勢明顯減弱;各海區(qū)最高溫均發(fā)生在1998年,上世紀(jì)90年代和本世紀(jì)初是海溫最高年代;與全球溫度變化類似,中國近海海溫在本世紀(jì)初開始(近10年)有變暖停滯現(xiàn)象;上世紀(jì)80年代中期海溫在各海區(qū)均有突變。近142年不同海區(qū)變暖趨勢最大的季節(jié)均在秋季(除了渤、黃海外),冬季次之;與其它海區(qū)相比,東海在四季均有最大增暖趨勢。而近50年,比較各海區(qū)四個季節(jié),均為冬季增暖最顯著,東海增暖最顯著。夏季我國南海西部、越南東南岸外存在一個相對低溫區(qū),近30年南海西部的冷水涌升作用有減弱趨勢,這種減弱現(xiàn)象可能和西南夏季風(fēng)減弱有關(guān)。 (2)近51年山東半島共有1173個“海效降水”日,其中降雪日占73.7%,降雨日占16.1%,雨雪天占10.1%的“海效降水”日。不同等級降雪12月份發(fā)生的頻率最高,雨天和雨雪天11月份發(fā)生的頻率最高。降雪主要分布在以文登和成山頭為中心的區(qū)域,降雨則主要分布在沿岸地區(qū)。 (3)渤海海表溫度和850hPa氣溫差達(dá)到10℃以上時,山東半島發(fā)生“海效降水”的概率最大,10-15℃時以小雪為主,15-20℃時以中小雪為主,20-25℃期間不同等級降雪發(fā)生概率類似,25℃以上時以暴雪為主;降雨和雨雪天也主要發(fā)生在海-氣溫差在10℃-20℃之間,隨著海-氣溫差增加,,降水出現(xiàn)頻率減小,但降水量增加;不管哪種類型的“海效降水”,海-氣溫差在15-20℃時發(fā)生頻率都是最高的;山東半島“海效降水”三種類型中,降雪和雨雪天降水強度與海冰面積呈弱的負(fù)相關(guān)。環(huán)流分析表明,不同類型“海效降水”500hPa高度場具有明顯的差異。 (4)本文選取的14個沿岸代表站在2012年海陸風(fēng)發(fā)生平均日數(shù)為92.5天,最多的站點達(dá)到140天,最少的站點為49天;所有代表站幾乎每個月都有海陸風(fēng)現(xiàn)象發(fā)生。
[Abstract]:The air-sea interaction is an important issue in the study of climate change and variation. The sea surface temperature (SST) is the most important thermodynamic parameter of the ocean. The long-term variation of SST and its possible influence on the occurrence and evolution of mesoscale weather and climate phenomena in the coastal zone of China are analyzed and discussed in this paper. The global SST data set of the adley Center is in the past 142 years. The characteristics of sea surface temperature and climatology in the last 142 years and its possible causes are analyzed. Then the daily precipitation data of Shandong Province in winter in recent 51 years are used to analyze the "sea effect precipitation" in Shandong Peninsula and its interaction mechanism with offshore sea and sea ice. Finally, by using the hourly wind speed and wind direction data of the coastal automatic station, the characteristics of sea-land wind circulation in typical locations along the coast of China are preliminarily analyzed. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) in the last 142 years, the sea surface temperature in China's coastal waters has a significant increasing trend, especially in the East China Sea. Since -60s, the change of temperature increase in the 60-70 's is the most obvious, but in this century, the increasing trend is obviously weakened. The maximum temperature of each sea area occurred in 1998, -10s and the beginning of this century was the highest SST. Similar to the global temperature changes, the sea surface temperature in China's coastal waters has been warming and stagnating since the beginning of this century (nearly 10 years). In the middle of -20s, the sea surface temperature had a sudden change in all sea areas. In recent 142 years, the largest warming season in different sea areas was in autumn (except the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, the second in winter); Compared with other sea areas, the East China Sea has the largest warming trend in the four seasons, and in the last 50 years, the four seasons in each sea area are the most significant in winter warming and the East China Sea warming is the most significant. There is a relatively low temperature area off the southeast coast of Vietnam. The cold water surge in the western part of the South China Sea tends to weaken in the past 30 years, which may be related to the weakening of the southwest summer monsoon. (2) in recent 51 years, there were 1173 "sea effect precipitation" days in Shandong Peninsula, of which the snowfall day accounted for 73.7%, and the rainfall day accounted for 16.1% days. Rainy and snowy days account for 10.1% days of "sea effect precipitation". The frequency of different grades of snow falls on December is the highest. The frequency of rain and snow on November is the highest. Snow is mainly distributed in the area with Wendeng and Chengshan as the center, while rainfall is mainly distributed along the coast. (3) when the difference between surface temperature and 850hPa temperature in the Bohai Sea reaches more than 10 鈩




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