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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-15 08:22

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:黑潮延伸體海區(qū)海洋鋒與北太平洋風(fēng)暴軸的關(guān)系及其氣候效應(yīng) 出處:《中國(guó)氣象科學(xué)研究院》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 黑潮延伸體海區(qū) 海表溫度鋒 北太平洋風(fēng)暴軸 氣溫

[Abstract]:There are obvious sea surface temperature fronts in the Kuroshio extensional sea area. It has been proved that the ocean front has a certain influence on the atmospheric boundary layer and even the upper troposphere. In this paper, the distribution characteristics and seasonal variation of the meridional gradient of sea surface temperature in the Kuroshio extension area are analyzed by using the SST data of the Hadley Center in the United Kingdom. At the same time, the mean value of the high value area of sea surface temperature in the Kuroshio extension area is defined as the sea front intensity index (KEFI) in the Kuroshio extension area. The interannual and Interdecadal variations of KEFI are studied. The middle and upper troposphere in the mid-latitude of the North Pacific Ocean is characterized by transient disturbances. There is a coupling relationship with the oceanic front variation in the Kuroshio extensional area. It is found that there is a significant positive correlation between the North Pacific transient disturbance and the KEFI in winter. The significant area is located in the main part of the North Pacific storm track, that is, when the strength of the oceanic front in the Kuroshio extension area increases in winter, the North Pacific storm track is also stronger. And this correlation appeared one month before the storm track of KEFI. Then the possible mechanism of this effect was analyzed and found in the high value year of KEFI in winter. Because the difference of heat transfer between the two sides of the ocean front is more obvious, the near surface temperature near the ocean front increases along the gradient, maintaining the baroclinic near the surface. It is beneficial to the development of instantaneous vortices to promote the vortex heat transfer to the pole and the vortex heat to the south of the oceanic front. At the same time, the variation of the ocean front is also related to the large-scale background circulation field. When the oceanic front is strong in winter, the Aleutian low pressure deepens and the subtropical high is slightly strengthened. The corresponding mid-tropospheric geopotential height field is negative higher to the north of 40oN and positive to the south. At the same time, the upper polar front jet strengthened and the subtropical westerly jet weakened and widened to the north. The variation of ocean front intensity in the Kuroshio extensional sea area has a certain effect on the temperature change in North America. When the ocean front intensifies (weakens) in autumn, the temperature in western North America increases (decreases). Lower temperature in the east; When the winter oceanic front strengthens (weakens), the temperature in most parts of North America increases (decrease), and in the small area of southern low latitude, the temperature decreases (increases). This effect is mainly caused by the response of the atmospheric circulation to the variation of the oceanic front. In addition, the intensity of the oceanic front also affects the temperature in East Asia during the winter and spring seasons. When the winter oceanic front is strong, the temperature in the eastern and southern coastal areas of East Asia rises in the same period, and the temperature in North and Northeast China rises in spring. It is found that this is due to the enhancement of the upper air jet corresponding to the north when the ocean front is strong, which is not conducive to the onset of cold air to the south. The strengthening of the spring ocean front also increases the temperature in the southeast of East Asia and the temperature in the northwest and north China in summer. The main reason for this effect is the neighborhood response of East Asian temperature to the synchronous anomaly of the upper Kuroshio and the effect can last into summer.


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