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  本文關(guān)鍵詞:深海平臺(tái)大幅慢漂運(yùn)動(dòng)的兩次展開(kāi)求解方法 出處:《大連理工大學(xué)》2017年博士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 兩次展開(kāi)方法 時(shí)域 大幅慢漂運(yùn)動(dòng) 波浪漂移阻尼 海洋平臺(tái)

[Abstract]:Floating platforms (Spar, TLP, FPSO) in the offshore operation process will be subjected to random wave, the combined effects of wind and current loads. Especially in irregular waves, high order wave component of each frequency wave component interaction will produce difference frequency and frequency, the wave frequency difference frequency often close to the ocean platform in different movement modes, thus causing a low frequency motion structure, such a low frequency motion can be reduced or even termination of drilling operations; and a high frequency can cause high frequency vertical vibration response, and cause fatigue problem of mooring cable structure and oil riser structure. Based on the above background, in the framework of this article the potential flow theory was established under the two expansion numerical model of wave diffraction and full time domain interaction. In this paper, two-dimensional, three-dimensional Laplasse equation to establish order two The two launched a two-dimensional time-domain wave structure interaction, a three-dimensional numerical model. The motion response is decomposed into two parts of low frequency oscillation and high frequency oscillation, the low frequency oscillation part of the motion response calculation with real time, called the low average position, then the boundary condition and the free surface boundary condition in the low average position and static water Taylor expansion, surface mesh and free surface grid with low average position from time to time shift, the perturbation method of dynamic expansion separation series to establish the first order corresponding to the two order boundary value problem, so as to ensure the basic assumption of small amplitude parameters to meet the perturbation of the. The velocity potential decomposition for incident potential, scattering potential and stationary disturbance velocity potential, the scattering potential and the constant disturbance velocity potential to establish the corresponding integral Fang Chengqiu Green second theorem Then the calculation formula. The wave force is established, equations of motion objects. After solving the motion response, using wavelet transform method to start again for low frequency average position of motion response, as the next time Taylor expansion and perturbation of the average position, then the perturbation and Taylor series expansion. Again and again, until the calculation time to meet the requirements. So as to realize the time domain structure a slow drift motion is solved. In order to verify the two expansion of the numerical model, this paper verifies the correctness of the simulation method of average position. By comparison with other simulation methods, proposed to solve the average filtering method based on wavelet transform, and by the calculation can be found, as long as the selected wavelet scale is appropriate, even using different wavelet functions, we can get the time series average position Then through the calculation of two-dimensional floating body slow motion response drift, to validate the model response of wave force by 3D uniform forward movement of the vertical cylinder and three-dimensional floating box of slow drift motion, and other scholars through analytic method, comparison of experimental data and non linear method, proved this model in the calculation of a slow drift motion in the result is correct. Then using the two expansion method and based on the initial equilibrium position of the perturbation response dynamic expansion method simple structure calculation of large movements occurred in the one-way wave force and motion, the results of the two methods compared with different correctness proof the two expansion method. In a forced motion in wave calculation of cylindrical monochromatic, encounter frequency between this incident wave and structures will always change, resulting in The amplitude and phase of wave force changes, these changes are in the calculation results obtained in the two expansion method is evident, but not in the results of direct expansion methods. Then calculate the coupling effect of the truncated cylinder bichromatic wave and line stiffness under the constraint of response compares two methods of calculation the effect of exercise, double color difference wave amplitude and angular frequency of motion response are studied. The calculation results of two expansion obtained by direct expansion method and the motion response is quite different, and the corresponding explanation, proved the two expansion method can reflect the structure of the motion feature a slow drift of more practical significance. The last part of this paper introduces the application of the two expansion method in practical numerical model of offshore platform, Spar platform and bichromatic wave coupling were calculated. Cooperation and irregular waves and wind and semi submersible platform coupling effect. The results including the wave force by the platform, the platform motion response and mooring line tension at the top and three-dimensional wavefront contour map. By coupling of bichromatic waves and Spar platform, found that due to the impact of the wave drift damping of the ocean a slow drift motion platform vibration frequency to the low frequency motion deviation, and this phenomenon in direct expansion method can not reflect the results, so that the calculation by direct expansion method a slow drift movement is not accurate; finally, through the research of irregular waves and wind and ocean petroleum 981 semi submersible platform coupling calculation the offshore platform slightly movement and large amplitude motion and the results of the two methods were compared, proved in a campaign, two expansion method get more reliable results, and according to the needle The layout of the semi submersible platform in the actual sea waves is given.



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