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發(fā)布時間:2018-01-14 15:16

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:海底管道溢油風(fēng)險評價體系的研究 出處:《浙江大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 海底管道 溢油風(fēng)險評價 多級模糊綜合評價 故障樹分析法 定性分析 定量分析 溢油量 管道腐蝕

[Abstract]:The pipeline risk assessment technology since 70s world development has experienced a gradual transition from the qualitative risk assessment method to the quantitative risk evaluation method. Some achievements have been made in the application of pipeline risk assessment of onshore pipeline, but its application in offshore pipeline in the study is relatively small. This paper based on abroad the pipeline risk assessment on the successful experience, combined with China's actual pipeline operation status and environmental conditions, methods to establish a set of submarine pipeline oil spill risk assessment. Firstly, the hazard identification, fault tree is established for submarine pipeline oil spill accident analysis model, on this basis, combined with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation evaluation method, a submarine pipeline oil spill risk evaluation system. (1) submarine pipeline oil spill probability index system corrosion, third party damage, natural force, fatigue, misoperation. As the first level index, and layer set up two level, three level index system. The index system of oil spill consequences, will harm and control as a consequence of the medium level indicators, down to set up two level, three level index system. (2) use the AHP method to determine the weight of each index by expert opinion method to determine the fuzzy relation matrix. The application of multilevel fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, finally on the possibility and consequences are able to get a 0 to 100 score. Higher scores indicated greater risk, and judge whether the risk is acceptable according to its position in the risk matrix. (3) respectively for oil, gas pipeline pipeline and oil spill volume, algorithm of submarine pipeline was studied. In order to make oil spill consequences in the index system of oil spill volume indicators also reflect the five risk sources, and put forward a comprehensive concept of the amount of oil spill. (4) of the pipeline quantitative risk in the study of. The submarine pipeline corrosion in case of overflow probability. In the calculation of oil corrosion depth using the SwRI mode, the internal corrosion length is assumed to be a random variable Weibull distribution. The outer corrosion depth and length are considered a random variable Weibull distribution respectively. Oil spill probability was calculated by the different blasting pressure model.



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