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  本文關(guān)鍵詞:冬季北太平洋海溫主模態(tài)年代際調(diào)整及其對東亞季風(fēng)的影響 出處:《中國氣象科學(xué)研究院》2015年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 冬季北太平洋主海溫模態(tài) 年代際轉(zhuǎn)型 華南降水 數(shù)值模擬

【摘要】:本文利用中國160站觀測降水、NECP/NACR大氣再分析、Hadley環(huán)流中心海溫等資料(HadISST1),采用EOF和時間位相EOF(T-EOF)等統(tǒng)計方法并利用ECHAM5大氣環(huán)流模式,分析了冬季北太平洋海溫PDO(Pacific Decadal Oscillation)和NPGO(North Pacific Grye Oscillation)主模態(tài)在1990之后發(fā)生調(diào)整的可能原因,探討了冬季PDO和NPGO型海溫模態(tài)對同期我國華南降水的可能影響和途徑。主要結(jié)論如下:(1)冬季北太平洋海溫主導(dǎo)模態(tài)由PDO調(diào)整為NPGO模態(tài)可能成因來自海洋和大氣兩方面。1990年前后,北太平洋中部(28-36?N,152?-178?W)與北部(44?-49?N,151?-177?W)海溫異常關(guān)系由正相關(guān)演變成負(fù)相關(guān),這是北太平洋主導(dǎo)模態(tài)發(fā)生調(diào)整的海洋內(nèi)部原因,而冬季北太平洋濤動(NPO)在1990年之后的顯著增強(qiáng)是海溫主導(dǎo)模態(tài)調(diào)整的重要大氣強(qiáng)迫;(2)冬季PDO和NPGO與北半球大氣之間表現(xiàn)出明顯的耦合。其中,與PDO耦合的大氣異常表現(xiàn)為阿留申(AL)低壓加強(qiáng)和30°N的850hPa顯著的西風(fēng)增強(qiáng),而與NPGO耦合的大氣模態(tài)表現(xiàn)為NPO正位相和40°N的850hPa顯著西風(fēng)異常,而對流層西風(fēng)中心位置南北變化對我國冬季華南地區(qū)降水有重要影響,當(dāng)NPGO正位相時冬季華南降水偏少;(3)數(shù)值模擬表明,在PDO型海-氣耦合模態(tài)中副熱帶和熱帶東太平洋海溫異常對維持大氣AL效果相同,但是副熱帶太平洋的影響更重要。NPGO型海-氣耦合模態(tài)中,赤道中太平洋海溫對大氣的影響更為重要。進(jìn)一步分析發(fā)現(xiàn),冬季華南地區(qū)降水在1990年之后的持續(xù)偏多與NPGO負(fù)位相增強(qiáng)的關(guān)系更加密切。
[Abstract]:In this paper, we use the precipitation observed at 160 stations in China (HadISST1) to analyze the sea surface temperature (SST) of Hadley Circulation Center in the NEP / NACR atmosphere reanalysis. The statistical methods such as EOF and time phase EOF- EOF) are used and the ECHAM5 atmospheric circulation model is used. In this paper, the PDO(Pacific Decadal scscillationof the North Pacific Ocean in winter is analyzed. North Pacific Grye orchestration) the possible cause of the adjustment of the main mode after 1990. The possible effects and approaches of winter PDO and NPGO SST modes on precipitation in South China during the same period are discussed. The main conclusions are as follows: 1). In winter, the dominant mode of sea surface temperature in the North Pacific Ocean is adjusted from PDO to NPGO mode, which may be caused by both ocean and atmosphere. About 1990. North Pacific Central China 28-36? N,152? -178? W) and North China 44? -49? N,151? -177? The relationship of sea surface temperature anomaly evolves from positive correlation to negative correlation, which is the internal reason for the adjustment of dominant modes in the North Pacific Ocean. The significant enhancement of NPO in winter after 1990 is an important atmospheric forcing for SST modal adjustment. (2) in winter, PDO and NPGO show obvious coupling with the atmosphere of the Northern Hemisphere. The atmospheric anomalies coupled with PDO are the enhancement of the low pressure of Aleutian (ALL) and the significant increase of the westerly wind at 850 HPA at 30 擄N. The atmospheric modes coupled with NPGO are NPO positive phase and 850hPa westerly anomaly at 40 擄N. The variation of the westerly center of the troposphere has an important influence on the precipitation in South China in winter. When the NPGO is positive, the precipitation in South China in winter is less. Numerical simulation shows that the subtropical and tropical eastern Pacific SST anomalies have the same effect on the maintenance of atmospheric AL in the PDO coupled mode. However, the influence of the subtropical Pacific is more important. In the coupled ocean-atmosphere mode of NPGO, the influence of SST in the central equatorial Pacific is more important. The continuous precipitation in South China after 1990 is more closely related to the enhancement of the negative phase of NPGO.


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5 李宏毅;林朝暉;陳紅;;我國華南3月份降水年代際變化的特征[J];氣候與環(huán)境研究;2010年03期

6 丁一匯;馬曉青;;2004/2005年冬季強(qiáng)寒潮事件的等熵位渦分析[J];氣象學(xué)報;2007年05期




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