
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 科技論文 > 電子信息論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2019-05-22 04:23
[Abstract]:Microwave phase shifters are devices that change the phase of microwave signals and are widely used in microwave communication, phased array radar and other fields. In this paper, the principle of microwave thin film phase shifters is studied theoretically, the microwave thin film phase shifters are designed, and the influence of the size change of each part of the phase shifters on the performance of the devices is discussed. According to the rotating magnetic characteristics of Ferrite materials, the phase shifters of Ferrite thin films were designed. The permeability of Ferrite material shows the characteristic of Zhang Liang. When the intensity and direction of applied magnetic field change, the permeability of Ferrite will also change, thus changing the propagation constant of Ferrite, which also changes the propagation characteristic of electromagnetic wave. In this way, the phase shift is produced, and the size of the phase shift is controlled by the constant magnetic field. The thin film materials and substrate materials are YIG (yttrium iron garnet) and GGG (gadolinium gallium garnet), and the conductor materials are gold. Several kinds of thin film phase shifters are analyzed, their principle and structure are studied, and a Ferrite phase shifter based on coplanar waveguide structure is designed. According to the microwave plane transmission theory and the analysis of the characteristics of rotating magnetic materials, the wave transmission equation is obtained, and the dimensions of each part of the phase shifter are calculated. Ferrite materials, substrate materials and metal conductor materials were screened, the transmission characteristics of phase shifters were studied, and the dimensions of each part of the phase shifters were designed, simulated and optimized. The performance of coplanar waveguide structure is simulated by HFSS software, and the size of each part of the phase shifter is optimized. the width of the central conductor and the gap between the coplanar waveguides are studied. The effects of film thickness and electrode thickness on the performance of the device. The results show that the designed phase shifters have good performance at the central frequency of 50GHz, the insertion loss is less than 2dB, and the VSWR is less than 1.5.


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