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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-05 14:10
[Abstract]:The third generation gene sequencer based on nano-pore and related key technologies are of strategic significance for protecting our own gene resources. In order to realize this kind of gene sequencing technology, the main problems are as follows: first, the DNA molecule passes through the hole too fast, because of the passing through speed too fast, it is difficult to identify the base through the pore by testing the characteristic of the passing hole current; Second, the interaction mechanism between the four bases and the biological nano-pore wall is not clear. Further studies show that the greater the interaction force between DNA bases and the nano-pore wall, the smaller the thermal movement of ions in the nano fluid. The noise signal is mainly derived from the thermal movement of ions, and increasing the interaction force between DNA base and nano-pore wall is helpful to improve the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Therefore, it is of great significance for the third generation gene sequencing to study the wall specificity of DNA base. In this paper, the structure of two bases of DNA is analyzed, and the mechanical properties of monocrystalline silicon are studied based on the mechanical properties. The monocrystalline silicon is used as the substrate material to realize the assembly of DNA base biomolecules, and the modification mechanism is studied systematically. The influence factors of the fixed rate and the mechanical behavior of the modified surface under limited conditions. The characteristic peaks of adenine A and thymine T are different from those of other bases. The results of contact angle measurement showed that the time of complete silanization of silicon substrate was about 30min, and the complete molecular membrane was formed in the first time during the 20min reaction. The active amino group of DNA base chain reacts with the aldehyde group on the surface of silicon substrate and is immobilized on the silicon substrate. The results of fluorescence test showed that the concentration of silanization reagent had the greatest influence on the intensity of fluorescence background and the time of silanization was the least. The fixation rates of base A and T increased linearly with the increase of time when the concentration of silanized and aldehydized reagents was low, and the immobilization rates of base A and T showed maximum values when the concentration of reagents was higher. When the pH of the buffer solution of the probe is weak basic, the base fixation rate is larger, the probe sample concentration is 50 渭 mol/L, and the fixed rate of base A is higher than that of base T under the same condition. The results of nanomechanical study of monocrystalline silicon show that the elastic recovery rate of monocrystalline silicon increases with the increase of the half cone angle at the tip of the head for a given maximum loading force, and the elastic recovery is basically constant under the same experimental conditions. Compared with the (100) crystal face, the single crystal silicon (111) crystal mask has smaller hardness and elastic modulus, and with the increase of the maximum loading force, the material around the indentation of single crystal silicon will appear the phenomenon of stacking and surface bulging, and the elastic recovery of the indentation will increase. The range of plastic zone increases with the increase of loading force, and there is obvious size effect. The results of the mechanical behavior of the modified surface show that the normal force between the probe and the surface of the silicon wafer is less affected by the surface chemical morphology for the gap above 10nm in the atmospheric environment, and the gap below the 7nm is less affected by the normal force on the surface of the wafer. The interaction force between the surface and the probe was obviously decreased after the modification of the base, and the force between the probe and the base A and T was greatly affected by the loading rate. With the increase of the normal force, the transverse force between the probe and the silicon substrate increases, and the friction coefficient decreases gradually, and there are different interaction forces between the probe and the silicon wafer surface under different modification conditions. In addition, compared with base T, the surface modified by base A produces larger transverse force.


中國期刊全文數據庫 前1條

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