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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-17 20:46
【摘要】:制冷型紅外探測器由于其靈敏度高、響應(yīng)速度快、探測器距離遠(yuǎn)等優(yōu)點(diǎn),廣泛應(yīng)用于高端武器裝備中。由于應(yīng)用于軍事領(lǐng)域,對制冷型紅外探測器組件的體積、重量、降溫時(shí)間、功耗及探測器可靠性等關(guān)鍵性能指標(biāo)有嚴(yán)苛的要求。通過集成式探測器杜瓦制冷機(jī)組件的應(yīng)用,可從機(jī)械結(jié)構(gòu)上優(yōu)化組件的體積、重量及功耗。對于組件降溫時(shí)間及探測器可靠性的優(yōu)化途徑,需要通過制冷型紅外探測器組件的低溫?zé)釋W(xué)特性研究獲得。制冷型紅外探測器組件低溫?zé)釋W(xué)特性,主要指組件因需要在低溫下工作而產(chǎn)生的組件熱負(fù)載、降溫時(shí)間及探測器封裝后可靠性等問題。研究的主要內(nèi)容包括:各因素對組件制冷降溫時(shí)間的影響規(guī)律、探測器封裝后熱適配優(yōu)化方法及組件關(guān)鍵零部件熱特性優(yōu)化技術(shù)等。本文針對制冷型紅外探測器組件低溫?zé)釋W(xué)特性的研究要求,闡明了課題的研究目標(biāo),通過理論分析和合理的驗(yàn)證實(shí)驗(yàn)以及開展相應(yīng)關(guān)鍵零部件熱特性優(yōu)化研究,獲得了制冷型紅外探測器組件相關(guān)低溫?zé)釋W(xué)特性的影響情況,并制備獲得相關(guān)熱特性優(yōu)化的關(guān)鍵零部件。本文以320×256規(guī)格制冷型紅外探測器封裝用典型IDDCA組件為例,通過建立傳熱模型及理論分析,獲得了組件降溫時(shí)間的影響因素;通過開展降溫時(shí)間影響實(shí)驗(yàn),獲得了各因素對組件降溫時(shí)間的影響規(guī)律。本文以320×256規(guī)格制冷型紅外探測器典型封裝結(jié)構(gòu)為例,通過ANSYS仿真分析,分析了在冷平臺機(jī)械結(jié)構(gòu)一定情況下,膨脹系數(shù)對探測器的應(yīng)力及應(yīng)變影響情況,并根據(jù)應(yīng)力最優(yōu)化原則確定了冷平臺材料為因瓦4J36;開展了不同材料引線基板在封裝前后,對硅電路上表面的應(yīng)變影響實(shí)驗(yàn),實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明平衡層結(jié)構(gòu)及AlN陶瓷基板對探測器模快封裝后的額外應(yīng)變較小。本文開展了關(guān)鍵零部件熱特性優(yōu)化技術(shù)研究工作,通過合理的制備流程設(shè)計(jì),制備獲得內(nèi)表面黑化外表面鍍金的輻射漏熱優(yōu)化電鑄冷屏,使組件在80K下熱負(fù)載降低約6.6mW;以K508制冷機(jī)為對象,開展了低漏熱、高強(qiáng)度集成式冷指的制備研究,制備獲得集成式冷指零件,與K508制冷機(jī)耦合后,在80K下獲得約610mW制冷量;開展了高熱導(dǎo)率、低膨脹系數(shù)的金屬復(fù)合材料制備研究,并以4J32材料作為基體,30%銅材料作為增強(qiáng)相。制備獲得φ21.7mm×0.6mm的金屬復(fù)合材料基片,其常溫下膨脹系數(shù)為2.23×10~(-6)K~(-1)、熱導(dǎo)率為34.67 W/(m·K)。
[Abstract]:Refrigerated infrared detectors are widely used in high-end weapons because of their high sensitivity, high response speed and long range. Because of its application in military field, the key performance indexes such as volume, weight, cooling time, power consumption and detector reliability are strictly required. Through the application of the integrated detector Dewar refrigerator assembly, the volume, weight and power consumption of the assembly can be optimized from the mechanical structure. To optimize the cooling time and the reliability of the detector, it is necessary to study the low temperature thermal characteristics of the refrigerated infrared detector module. The low temperature thermal characteristics of the refrigerated infrared detector module mainly refer to the thermal load, cooling time and the reliability of the detector package due to the assembly working at low temperature. The main contents of the research include: the influence of various factors on the cooling time of the module, the optimization method of the thermal adaptation after the detector packaging and the optimization technology of the thermal characteristics of the key parts of the module, etc. In this paper, according to the research requirements of the low temperature thermal characteristics of the refrigerated infrared detector assembly, the research objectives are clarified. The research results are analyzed by theoretical analysis and reasonable verification experiments, as well as the research on the optimization of the thermal characteristics of the corresponding key parts. The influence of the low temperature thermal characteristics of the refrigerated infrared detector assembly was obtained, and the key parts for the optimization of the related thermal characteristics were prepared. In this paper, taking the typical IDDCA module of 320 脳 256-specification refrigerated infrared detector package as an example, the factors influencing the cooling time of the module are obtained by establishing the heat transfer model and theoretical analysis, and the experiment of cooling down time is carried out. The effects of various factors on the cooling time of the components are obtained. In this paper, the typical packaging structure of 320 脳 256-specification refrigerated infrared detector is taken as an example, and the influence of expansion coefficient on the stress and strain of the detector is analyzed by ANSYS simulation analysis under the certain mechanical structure of the cold platform. According to the principle of stress optimization, the cold platform material was determined to be Involva 4J36, and the strain effect experiments of different material lead substrates on the upper surface of silicon circuit were carried out before and after packaging. The experimental results show that the extra strain of the balanced layer structure and the AlN ceramic substrate is small after the fast packaging of the detector mode. In this paper, the optimization technology of the thermal characteristics of key parts is studied. Through the reasonable preparation process design, the radiative heat leakage optimized electroforming cold screen is prepared to blacken the inner surface of the outer surface and plated the gold on the outer surface of the inner surface. The heat load of the assembly is reduced by about 6.6 MW at 80K, and the low heat leakage and high strength integrated cold finger is prepared by using K508 refrigerator as the object. The integrated cold finger parts are prepared and coupled with the K508 refrigerator, and the 610mW refrigerating capacity is obtained at 80K. The preparation of metal composites with high thermal conductivity and low coefficient of expansion was studied. The 4J32 material was used as the matrix and 30% copper as the reinforcement phase. The metal composite substrates with 蠁 21.7mm 脳 0.6mm were prepared. The expansion coefficient was 2.23 脳 10 ~ (-6) K ~ (-1) and the thermal conductivity was 34.67 W / (m K). At room temperature.


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