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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-17 19:56
【摘要】:發(fā)光二極管(LED,Light Emitting Diode)與傳統(tǒng)光源相比,具有節(jié)能、環(huán)保、壽命長(zhǎng)和體積小等諸多優(yōu)勢(shì)。由于LED光源輻照分布的特點(diǎn),有必要對(duì)其進(jìn)行適當(dāng)?shù)亩喂鈱W(xué)設(shè)計(jì)來滿足實(shí)際的照明要求。因此,本文首先設(shè)計(jì)符合要求的漫反射自由曲面,并結(jié)合LED光源陣列來構(gòu)建一個(gè)基于漫反射的間接照明系統(tǒng),改善目標(biāo)平面上的照度均勻性以及提高系統(tǒng)的光能利用率;接著又提出了反饋優(yōu)化初始面型的概念,初始漫反射半球經(jīng)過一次反饋優(yōu)化,形成了滿足要求的新面型輪廓,其優(yōu)化結(jié)果不僅使目標(biāo)面上的均勻度由原來的75%提高至80%,而且光能利用率也有所提高。本文針對(duì)近場(chǎng)、遠(yuǎn)場(chǎng)兩種照明情況,分別以改善預(yù)期目標(biāo)面上的高輻照均勻度和光能利用率為目標(biāo),提出基于多種LED光源陣列與漫反射自由曲面構(gòu)成的間接照明方法。首先,考慮到LED點(diǎn)光源的朗伯特性,光線依據(jù)輻射分布模型射向漫反射自由曲面的內(nèi)表面,結(jié)合漫反射自由曲面內(nèi)表面的雙向散射分布函數(shù),能夠完成內(nèi)表面的二次反射,光線最終投在預(yù)設(shè)的目標(biāo)面上;其次,由能量守恒定律計(jì)算得到期望目標(biāo)面上的光照均勻度。因此,本文構(gòu)建由LED光源陣列、漫反射自由曲面以及預(yù)設(shè)目標(biāo)面組成的漫反射間接照明系統(tǒng),同時(shí)可以計(jì)算得到目標(biāo)面上期望照度值Et。最后,解出自由曲面的面型數(shù)據(jù),同時(shí)利用TracePro光學(xué)軟件對(duì)目標(biāo)面上的光照均勻性、光能利用率進(jìn)行大規(guī)模的仿真測(cè)試。實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明:相比于傳統(tǒng)的直接照明和漫反射半球作為面型的間接照明方法,本文設(shè)計(jì)的漫反射自由曲面在相同條件下使目標(biāo)面具有更好的照度均勻性以及更高的光能利用率。在初始模型未能達(dá)到目標(biāo)面上照明要求的情況下,本文又提出了依據(jù)初始仿真結(jié)果進(jìn)行反饋優(yōu)化的方法。通過將實(shí)際照度與期望照度之間的照度差△E反饋到設(shè)計(jì)流程中,可以得出初始漫反射半球經(jīng)過一次反饋優(yōu)化的新面型。出于簡(jiǎn)化模型考慮,本文只選擇了半球作為初始面型并且只對(duì)目標(biāo)平面上的圓形光斑進(jìn)行研究,其目的是分析該反饋優(yōu)化方法在自由曲面設(shè)計(jì)上的可行性。對(duì)于給定的圓形光斑,經(jīng)過一次反饋優(yōu)化設(shè)計(jì),該目標(biāo)面上的光照均勻度由原來的75.7%提升到80.8%,其光能利用率也從原先的12.6%上升至15.7%。結(jié)果表明:該反饋優(yōu)化方法在一定程度上可以改善目標(biāo)平面上的照度均勻性。
[Abstract]:Compared with traditional light source, LED,Light Emitting Diode) has many advantages, such as energy saving, environmental protection, long life and small size. Due to the characteristics of the radiation distribution of LED light source, it is necessary to carry out a proper secondary optical design to meet the actual lighting requirements. Therefore, in this paper, we first design the diffuse reflection free-form surface, and combine with the LED light source array to construct an indirect illumination system based on diffuse reflection to improve the uniformity of illumination on the target plane and improve the utilization rate of light energy of the system. Then the concept of feedback optimization initial surface shape is put forward. After a feedback optimization, the initial diffuse reflection hemispheres form a new profile that meets the requirements. The optimization results not only improve the uniformity of target surface from 75% to 80%, but also improve the utilization ratio of light energy. Aiming at the near field and far field illumination, this paper presents an indirect illumination method based on multiple LED light source arrays and diffuse reflection free-form surfaces, aiming at improving the high irradiation uniformity and light energy utilization on the expected target surface, respectively. Firstly, considering the Lambert characteristic of the LED point light source, the light can be injected into the inner surface of the diffuse free surface according to the radiation distribution model, and combined with the two-way scattering distribution function of the internal surface of the diffuse free surface, the secondary reflection of the inner surface can be accomplished. Finally, the light is cast on the target plane. Secondly, the illumination uniformity on the desired target surface is calculated by energy conservation law. Therefore, a diffuse reflection indirect illumination system composed of LED light source array, diffuse reflection free-form surface and preset target surface is constructed, and the expected illuminance value Et. on the target surface can be calculated at the same time. Finally, the surface data of the free-form surface is solved, and the illumination uniformity and light energy utilization ratio on the target surface are tested by TracePro software on a large scale. The experimental results show that: compared with the traditional direct illumination and diffuse reflection hemispheres as the surface of indirect lighting, The diffuse reflection free surface designed in this paper can make the target mask have better illumination uniformity and higher light energy utilization ratio under the same conditions. When the initial model fails to meet the lighting requirements on the target surface, a feedback optimization method based on the initial simulation results is proposed in this paper. By feedback the illumination difference E between the actual illumination and the expected illumination into the design process, a new shape of the initial diffuse reflection hemisphere can be obtained by one time feedback optimization. In order to simplify the model, this paper only selects the hemispheres as the initial surface and only studies the circular spot on the target plane. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the feasibility of the feedback optimization method in the design of free surface. For a given circular spot, after a feedback optimization design, the illumination uniformity on the target surface is increased from 75.7% to 80.8.The light energy utilization ratio is increased from 12.6% to 15.7g. The results show that the feedback optimization method can improve the illumination uniformity in the target plane to some extent.


相關(guān)會(huì)議論文 前1條

1 邵民杰;王偉宏;;空港建筑中公共大空間照明的實(shí)施對(duì)策與分析[A];理性照明 讓生活更美好——2011四直轄市照明科技論壇(天津)論文集[C];2011年

相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前2條

1 劉輝;基于漫反射間接照明的自由曲面設(shè)計(jì)及反饋優(yōu)化方法研究[D];華東交通大學(xué);2016年

2 陳寶華;室內(nèi)空間多功能照明系統(tǒng)研究[D];清華大學(xué);2007年




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