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發(fā)布時間:2018-09-17 06:48
[Abstract]:Traveling wave tube (TWT) is an important vacuum electronic device, which is widely used in communication satellite and military radar as a signal amplification device. There are two kinds of TWT, one is coupled cavity TWT, the other is helical TWT. The advantage of helical traveling wave tube is that it has wide bandwidth, but the coupling cavity traveling wave tube adopts all metal structure, which makes it not only have firm structure and extremely strong heat dissipation ability, but also has the advantage of high power and high gain. Therefore, the study of coupled cavity TWT is still of great significance. In this paper, a new type of slow wave structure of high power traveling wave tube (TWT) is studied. Compared with the traditional rectangular coupled cavity structure with non-ridge loading, the structure has the characteristics of high coupling impedance and equivalent frequency band, which is more advantageous to the miniaturization of the traveling wave tube, and is more favorable to the miniaturization of the traveling wave tube, compared with the two-hole coupled rectangular coupled cavity slow wave structure traveling wave tube. The single-hole staggered rectangular coupled cavity TWT has higher coupling impedance. The specific work of this paper is as follows: 1. The dispersion characteristics and coupling impedance of the new slow-wave structure are simulated, and the influence of each structure size on the high-frequency characteristic is obtained, and the size of the slow-wave structure is optimized. In addition, the input-output structure, attenuator and box window of the traveling-wave tube with single-hole cross-coupled rectangular coupling cavity are designed and simulated, and the transmission characteristics of the high-frequency system are obtained. The simulation results show that the standing wave coefficient of the whole high frequency system is less than 1.6.2 in the operating frequency band. The beam-wave interaction of the traveling-wave tube with slow wave structure is simulated. In the course of simulation, the mesh number is 1065672 and the particle number is 340136.CST. The simulation results show that the electronic efficiency is over 17.7% in the range from 8.6GHz to 9.5GHz. When the electron beam voltage is set from 25.95kV to 26.95kV and the current is 5A, the output power is more than 20kW and the gain is more than 38dB.3. According to the results of the study, the high frequency system of X-band ridgelet loaded staggered coupled rectangular coupled cavity slow-wave structure TWT is fabricated, including slow wave line, input and output structure, box window, and the cold measurement is carried out. The test results show that the VSWR of the whole high frequency structure is less than 2. 2 in the working band 8.6GHz to 9.5GHz.


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