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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-13 05:50
【摘要】:高功率、高效率和小型化是目前大多數(shù)高功率微波源的主要發(fā)展方向。高功率微波源在強(qiáng)流相對(duì)論電子束下運(yùn)行。聚焦系統(tǒng)是高功率微波源的重要組成部分,其體積、重量和能耗的優(yōu)化對(duì)高功率微波源的高功率和小型化發(fā)展具有重要的意義。在眾多的聚焦方式中,周期永磁(PPM,Periodic Permanent Magnets)聚焦具有重量輕、不消耗功率、雜散磁場(chǎng)小等優(yōu)點(diǎn),滿(mǎn)足微波管體積小、重量小、能耗低的發(fā)展趨勢(shì),因此強(qiáng)流相對(duì)論電子束PPM聚焦系統(tǒng)的研究具有重要意義。本文即以強(qiáng)流相對(duì)論電子束PPM聚焦系統(tǒng)為研究對(duì)象,開(kāi)展強(qiáng)流相對(duì)論電子束在PPM中的運(yùn)動(dòng)特性的研究、產(chǎn)生電子束的皮爾斯電子槍的設(shè)計(jì)、PPM的設(shè)計(jì)和過(guò)渡區(qū)優(yōu)化設(shè)計(jì)等,在保證電子束的通過(guò)率和降低波動(dòng)的同時(shí),盡量減小系統(tǒng)的體積和重量。論文的主要工作包括:首先,概述了強(qiáng)流相對(duì)論電子束PPM聚焦系統(tǒng)的研究背景和意義,介紹了周期永磁聚焦系統(tǒng)的相關(guān)理論,包括PPM聚焦電子束的理論、PPM的設(shè)計(jì)方法、磁場(chǎng)過(guò)渡區(qū)相關(guān)原理以及電子槍的理論基礎(chǔ)等。接著,研究了強(qiáng)流相對(duì)論電子束在PPM聚焦系統(tǒng)中的傳輸特性。在相對(duì)論條件下考慮電子質(zhì)量變化和電子束自磁場(chǎng),通過(guò)對(duì)最外層電子的受力分析,推導(dǎo)出強(qiáng)流相對(duì)論條件下電子束穩(wěn)定傳輸所需的PPM磁場(chǎng)峰值計(jì)算公式,得到在考慮相對(duì)論情況下,電子束的布里淵磁場(chǎng)的修正系數(shù)。同時(shí)對(duì)上述理論推導(dǎo)開(kāi)展了仿真研究,結(jié)果表明,電壓500kV、電流3.6kA的理想強(qiáng)流相對(duì)論電子束能在推導(dǎo)的1倍理論磁場(chǎng)峰值下穩(wěn)定傳輸,符合所得的磁場(chǎng)峰值與電流電壓關(guān)系,驗(yàn)證了理論分析的正確性。然后,初步設(shè)計(jì)了強(qiáng)流相對(duì)論電子束PPM聚焦系統(tǒng)。研究在考慮電子束非層流性等實(shí)際情況下,磁場(chǎng)峰值的大小對(duì)電子束傳輸狀況的影響。使用修正的Vaughan迭代綜合法設(shè)計(jì)了皮爾斯電子槍,提供電子束,并與磁場(chǎng)峰值恒定的PPM建立起一體化仿真,結(jié)果表明當(dāng)磁場(chǎng)峰值為理論值的1.1倍時(shí),電子束通過(guò)率為100%,幾乎無(wú)波動(dòng)。最后,通過(guò)對(duì)PPM過(guò)渡區(qū)磁場(chǎng)的設(shè)計(jì)優(yōu)化了強(qiáng)流相對(duì)論電子束PPM聚焦系統(tǒng)。首先研究了磁場(chǎng)周期對(duì)于電子束波動(dòng)的影響,確定了周期的選擇原則,然后再在一定的周期下研究了過(guò)渡區(qū)磁場(chǎng)峰值對(duì)強(qiáng)流相對(duì)論強(qiáng)流電子束波動(dòng)的影響,結(jié)果表明PPM的恒定磁場(chǎng)峰值為0.9~1倍理論周期磁場(chǎng)峰值,過(guò)渡區(qū)第二磁場(chǎng)峰值為0.8~1倍恒定磁場(chǎng)峰值,第一磁場(chǎng)峰值在1~1.2倍恒定磁場(chǎng)峰值時(shí),電子束波動(dòng)可以得到改善,PPM的重量和體積相對(duì)減小。
[Abstract]:High power, high efficiency and miniaturization are the main development direction of most high power microwave sources. The high power microwave source operates under a high current relativistic electron beam. Focusing system is an important part of high power microwave source. The optimization of its volume, weight and energy consumption is of great significance to the development of high power and miniaturization of high power microwave source. Among the many focusing methods, periodic permanent magnet (PPM,Periodic Permanent Magnets) has the advantages of light weight, no consumption of power, small stray magnetic field and so on, which satisfies the development trend of microwave tube with small volume, small weight and low energy consumption. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the intense relativistic electron beam PPM focusing system. In this paper, the high current relativistic electron beam PPM focusing system is taken as the research object, the motion characteristics of the high current relativistic electron beam in the PPM are studied, the design of the Pierce electron gun which produces the electron beam and the optimization design of the transition zone, etc. At the same time, the volume and weight of the system are minimized. The main work of this paper is as follows: firstly, the research background and significance of the PPM focusing system of high current relativistic electron beam are summarized, and the related theories of the periodic permanent magnet focusing system are introduced, including the design method of the PPM focusing electron beam theory. The related principle of magnetic field transition region and the theoretical basis of electron gun, etc. Then, the propagation characteristics of high current relativistic electron beam in PPM focusing system are studied. Considering the electron mass variation and the electron beam self-magnetic field under relativistic conditions, by analyzing the force on the outermost electron, the formula for calculating the peak value of the PPM magnetic field for the stable transmission of the electron beam under the strong relativistic condition is derived. The correction coefficient of Brillouin magnetic field of electron beam is obtained under the condition of relativity. The simulation results show that the ideal relativistic electron beam with a voltage of 500kV and a current of 3.6kA can transport stably at the peak value of the theoretical magnetic field, which is in accordance with the relation between the peak value of the magnetic field and the current and voltage. The correctness of the theoretical analysis is verified. Then, the high current relativistic electron beam PPM focusing system is designed. Considering the non-laminar flow of electron beam, the effect of the peak value of magnetic field on the transmission of electron beam is studied. Using the modified Vaughan iterative synthesis method, the Pierce electron gun is designed to provide the electron beam, and the integrated simulation is established with the constant magnetic field peak PPM. The results show that the magnetic field peak value is 1.1 times of the theoretical value. The electron beam pass rate is 100, almost no fluctuation. Finally, the high current relativistic electron beam PPM focusing system is optimized by designing the magnetic field in the PPM transition region. The influence of the period of magnetic field on the wave of electron beam is studied, and the selection principle of period is determined. Then, the effect of peak magnetic field in transition region on the wave of strong relativistic high current electron beam is studied in a certain period. The results show that the peak value of the constant magnetic field of PPM is 0.9 ~ 1 times that of the theoretical periodic magnetic field, the peak value of the second magnetic field in the transition region is 0.8 ~ 1 times the peak value of the constant magnetic field, and the peak value of the first magnetic field is 1 ~ 1. 2 times the peak value of the constant magnetic field. Electron beam fluctuation can improve the weight and volume of PPM.


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