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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-12 20:09
【摘要】:近年來(lái),太赫茲輻射因其獨(dú)有的特性在高數(shù)據(jù)速率通信、分子光譜、生物光譜、醫(yī)療診斷等方面得到廣泛應(yīng)用,但又因其缺乏輕便可靠的太赫茲輻射源而制約了其發(fā)展。因此高功率、輕便小型化的太赫茲輻射源受到許多國(guó)家的廣泛關(guān)注和研究。擴(kuò)展互作用振蕩器(EIO)就是一種正處于發(fā)展階段的重要太赫茲輻射源。它是一種集速調(diào)管的高功率、高增益與行波管的寬帶等優(yōu)點(diǎn)于一體的電真空高功率源。隨著EIO器件向更高的毫米波段及太赫茲波段發(fā)展,器件尺寸的縮小,怎樣提高器件的功率密度及功率容量成為EIO研究重點(diǎn)之一。在本論文主要內(nèi)容包括:系統(tǒng)地介紹了太赫茲發(fā)展史、現(xiàn)狀以及Pseudospark(PS)放電;概述了擴(kuò)展互作用振蕩器的發(fā)展、工作原理及現(xiàn)狀,并簡(jiǎn)要概括了本文所選用模型及小信號(hào)理論;Y波段EIO器件的設(shè)計(jì)與優(yōu)化、仿真結(jié)果分析;基于PS放電產(chǎn)生電子束的速度離散對(duì)Y波段的EIO器件性能的影響。本論文研究?jī)?nèi)容及創(chuàng)新點(diǎn)如下:(1)使用PS放電系統(tǒng)代替?zhèn)鹘y(tǒng)的電子光學(xué)系統(tǒng)產(chǎn)生電子束。在沒有外加磁場(chǎng)的條件下,PS放電產(chǎn)生的電子束可以實(shí)現(xiàn)自我聚焦。不再需要外加磁場(chǎng),使得整個(gè)器件變得更為輕便化小型化。隨著器件工作頻率的增高,太赫茲范圍內(nèi)工作的EIO器件也會(huì)對(duì)電子束質(zhì)量要求更高。而PS放電能產(chǎn)生強(qiáng)流密度、高亮度、納秒級(jí)的軸對(duì)稱電子束脈沖,其電流密度高達(dá)108 A/m2,亮度高達(dá)1012 A/m2 rad2。PS放電產(chǎn)生電子束的優(yōu)良束質(zhì)正好滿足高頻率工作EIO的需求。(2)借助高頻電磁模擬軟件CST及CHIPIC,設(shè)計(jì)及優(yōu)化了一款工作在Y波段(工作主頻約為283.7GHz)擴(kuò)展互作用振蕩器。在電子束電壓為36kV,電子束電流密度達(dá)到800A/cm2(電流為0.25A)的情況下,峰值輸出功率為1.85kW,電子效率達(dá)到10%。(3)PS放電產(chǎn)生的電子束本身具有一定的速度離散,所以為了更好的提高EIO器件的性能,研究了速度離散對(duì)EIO器件性能的影響。發(fā)現(xiàn)當(dāng)電子束電流為一定值時(shí),Y波段的EIO在一定的速度離散范圍內(nèi)可以保持穩(wěn)定且有效的工作狀態(tài)。在上述最優(yōu)仿真結(jié)果的基礎(chǔ)上,速度離散值設(shè)定為12.5%時(shí),EIO的峰值輸出功率為1.67kW。在電子束電流密度為1kA/cm2,速度離散值設(shè)定在0~15%的范圍內(nèi)時(shí),輸出功率不低于理想狀態(tài)電子束輸出功率的0.9倍。
[Abstract]:In recent years, terahertz radiation has been widely used in high data rate communication, molecular spectrum, biological spectrum and medical diagnosis because of its unique characteristics. However, its development is restricted by its lack of portable and reliable terahertz radiation sources. Therefore, high-power, portable and miniaturized terahertz radiation sources have received extensive attention and research in many countries. The extended interaction oscillator (EIO) is an important terahertz radiation source in the development stage. It is an electric vacuum high power source with the advantages of high power, high gain and broadband of TWT. With the development of EIO devices to higher millimeter band and terahertz band, and the reduction of device size, how to improve the power density and power capacity of EIO becomes one of the focuses of EIO research. The main contents of this thesis are as follows: the history of terahertz development, current situation and Pseudospark (PS) discharge are systematically introduced, and the development, working principle and current situation of extended interaction oscillator are summarized. The design and optimization of Y band EIO devices based on the model and small signal theory are briefly summarized, and the simulation results are analyzed. The effect of the velocity dispersion of electron beam generated by PS discharge on the performance of Y band EIO devices is also discussed. The main contents and innovations of this thesis are as follows: (1) PS discharge system is used to produce electron beam instead of traditional electron optical system. In the absence of an external magnetic field, the electron beam produced by the discharge of PS can achieve self-focusing. The external magnetic field is no longer required, which makes the whole device more portable and miniaturized. With the increase of the operating frequency, the EIO devices operating in the terahertz range will also require higher electron beam quality. PS discharge can produce strong current density, high brightness, nanosecond axisymmetric electron beam pulse, Its current density is up to 108A / m ~ (2), and its brightness is up to 1012 A/m2 rad2.PS discharge. The excellent beam quality can meet the demand of high-frequency working EIO. (2) with the help of high-frequency electromagnetic simulation software CST and CHIPIC, we design and optimize a Y band ( The main operating frequency is about 283.7GHz) extended interaction oscillator. When the electron beam voltage is 36kV and the electron beam current density is 800A/cm2 (current 0.25A), the peak output power is 1.85kW, and the electron efficiency is 10. (3) the electron beam produced by PS discharge has a certain velocity dispersion. In order to improve the performance of EIO devices, the effect of velocity dispersion on the performance of EIO devices is studied. It is found that the EIO in Y band can maintain a stable and effective working state in a range of discrete velocities when the electron beam current is at a certain value. On the basis of the above optimal simulation results, the peak output power of EIO is 1.67 kW when the discrete velocity is set to 12.5. When the electron beam current density is 1 Ka / cm ~ 2 and the velocity discrete value is set in the range of 0 ~ 15%, the output power is not less than 0.9 times of the ideal electron beam output power.


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