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發(fā)布時間:2018-09-12 07:25
【摘要】:在信息科技不斷發(fā)展的今天,人們對高品質(zhì)顯示器的追求逐漸提高,而有機電致發(fā)光器件(OLEDs)的主動發(fā)光,面板發(fā)光,視角廣,響應(yīng)時間短,發(fā)光效率高,色域?qū)?工作電壓低,器件厚度薄,可制成彎曲面板,制作工藝相對簡單,成本低等特性,吸引了人們的廣泛關(guān)注和研究?紤]到未來OLED的商品化應(yīng)用,我們需要保證器件具有較低的驅(qū)動電壓,并在此基礎(chǔ)上能夠獲得較高的發(fā)光效率。因此,本論文從降低OLED器件電壓以及提高器件效率兩方面開展了以下的研究工作。具體內(nèi)容如下:1、在空穴注入方面采用了P型摻雜方式,主要研究了摻雜空穴緩沖層F4-TCNQ:Mo O3優(yōu)化濃度和厚度下對空穴注入、傳輸?shù)淖饔。從能級角?我們分析了P型摻雜空穴緩沖層,在減小空穴界面注入勢壘,利于空穴載流子的注入,降低器件驅(qū)動電壓上的效力。通過薄膜表面形貌的測量,F4-TCNQ:Mo O3薄膜表面相對平整,更有助于空穴的注入。當摻雜緩沖層的濃度為50%,厚度為2 nm時,最佳器件的發(fā)光效率得到很大提高,同時與對比器件相較,器件的啟亮電壓和驅(qū)動電壓(亮度為1000 cd/m2時)分別降低了1 V和2.3 V。2、在電子注入方面,應(yīng)用了高遷移率的C60作為電子傳輸層,分別與三種電子緩沖層Alq3、Bphen和TPBi相結(jié)合的分層注入、傳輸結(jié)構(gòu),并研究了該結(jié)構(gòu)對器件的電壓和效率等方面的影響。在高遷移率C60最優(yōu)厚度的基礎(chǔ)上分別對Alq3、Bphen和TPBi的電子緩沖層的厚度進行了優(yōu)化,器件的發(fā)光性能有了提高。與不含電子緩沖層的器件相較,有C60/電子緩沖層的結(jié)構(gòu)器件發(fā)光特性有了大的改善。說明引入C60/緩沖層的結(jié)構(gòu),可以讓器件在低電壓驅(qū)動下有良好的電子注入能力,且使得器件中電子與空穴的注入、傳輸能力達到了平衡,有效地提高了激子的復(fù)合幾率,從而降低了效率的滾降,同時緩沖層的加入起到了對C60層的保護作用。3、結(jié)合上述兩部分的工作,將P型摻雜緩沖層F4-TCNQ:Mo O3和分層注入的C60/Bphen組合到一起,制備了類PIN結(jié)構(gòu)的OLED器件。當發(fā)光材料為Alq3時,類PIN型器件相比于傳統(tǒng)結(jié)構(gòu)的OLED器件的啟亮電壓降低了31.6%,驅(qū)動電壓降低了35.9%,同時電流效率提高了94%,功率效率提高了近164%,實現(xiàn)了器件在低壓驅(qū)動下的高效發(fā)光。此外,把發(fā)光材料更換為藍光材料TC-1759后,發(fā)現(xiàn)該類PIN型OLED器件也能獲得很好的低壓高效性能,證實了這種類PIN結(jié)構(gòu)應(yīng)用的廣泛性。
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of information technology, the pursuit of high quality displays has been gradually improved, while the active luminescence, panel luminescence, wide angle of view, short response time, high luminous efficiency, wide color gamut and low operating voltage of organic electroluminescent devices (OLEDs). Because of its thin thickness, it can be made into bending panel, the fabrication process is relatively simple and the cost is low, so it has attracted wide attention and research. Considering the commercial application of OLED in the future, we need to ensure that the device has a lower driving voltage, and on this basis, we can obtain higher luminous efficiency. Therefore, the following research work has been done in this thesis: to reduce the voltage of OLED devices and improve the device efficiency. The main contents are as follows: 1. In the cavity injection, P-type doping is adopted. The effect of the optimized concentration and thickness of the doped hole buffer layer F4-TCNQ:Mo O 3 on the hole injection and transport is studied. From the point of view of energy level, we analyze P-doped hole buffer layer, which can reduce the potential barrier at the hole interface, facilitate the hole carrier injection, and reduce the driving voltage of the device. The surface of F4-TCNQ: MoO3 thin film is relatively flat, which is more helpful for hole injection. When the concentration of the doped buffer layer is 50 and the thickness is 2 nm, the luminescence efficiency of the optimal device is greatly improved, and compared with the contrast device, The starting voltage and driving voltage (brightness is 1000 cd/m2) are reduced by 1 V and 2.3 V. 2, respectively. In electron injection, the high mobility C60 is used as the electron transport layer, and the layer injection is combined with three kinds of electronic buffer layers, Alq3,Bphen and TPBi, respectively. The effect of the structure on the voltage and efficiency of the device is studied. Based on the optimum thickness of C60 with high mobility, the thickness of electronic buffer layer of Alq3,Bphen and TPBi is optimized, and the luminescence performance of the device is improved. Compared with the devices without the electronic buffer layer, the luminescent characteristics of the devices with C60 / electronic buffer layer have been greatly improved. It is shown that the structure of C60 / buffer layer can make the device have good electron injection ability under low voltage drive, and make the electron and hole injection in the device achieve the balance of transmission ability, and effectively improve the recombination probability of exciton. In addition, the addition of buffer layer can protect the C60 layer. Combined with the above two parts, the P-doped buffer layer F4-TCNQ:Mo O 3 and the layered injected C60/Bphen are combined together to fabricate the PIN like OLED devices. When the luminous material is Alq3, Compared with the conventional OLED devices, the PIN type devices have a lower starting voltage of 31.6a, a lower driving voltage of 35.9. at the same time, the current efficiency is increased by 944.The power efficiency of the devices is improved by 164.The high efficiency of the devices under the low-voltage drive is realized. In addition, when the luminescent material is replaced by blue light material TC-1759, it is found that this kind of PIN type OLED device can also obtain good low voltage and high efficiency performance, which proves the wide application of this kind of PIN structure.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前5條

1 李艷武;劉彭義;侯林濤;吳冰;;Rubrene作電子傳輸層的異質(zhì)結(jié)有機太陽能電池[J];物理學(xué)報;2010年02期

2 劉瑞;徐征;趙謖玲;張?;曹曉寧;孔超;曹文U,




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