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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-31 17:19
【摘要】:經(jīng)濟的快速發(fā)展離不開傳統(tǒng)能源的大量使用,由此造成化石能源的短缺,加上使用過程中產(chǎn)生的污染已經(jīng)引起了世界各國的高度重視,,而積極探索高效、清潔的可再生能源是解決這一問題的唯一途徑。眾多的可再生能源中,太陽能憑借其能量巨大、無污染、廉價等優(yōu)勢成為人們重視的焦點。目前,太陽能集熱技術(shù)與太陽能光伏發(fā)電技術(shù)最為成熟,使用也較為廣泛。光伏發(fā)電的使用過程中,由于其發(fā)電效率較低(僅15%左右),造成電池溫度過高且影響發(fā)電效率,因此,從降低電池溫度的角度提高發(fā)電效率,并且對收集的熱量進行利用,對太陽能綜合利用技術(shù)是一種巨大的推動。 將高效熱傳輸元件微熱管陣列(Micro heat pipe array,簡稱MHPA)應用于光伏電池的散熱,研發(fā)出微熱管陣列光伏光熱組件(Micro heat pipe array-Photovoltaic/Thermal,簡稱MHPA-PVT),可以有效地將光伏電池上的熱量傳輸至冷卻水中并加以收集,可以得到一定溫度可供使用的熱水,因而達到了熱電聯(lián)供的效果。本文以微熱管陣列光伏光熱組件及其組成的系統(tǒng)為研究對象,展開了如下的研究工作。 首先,參照平板太陽能集熱器的測試方法,對微熱管陣列光伏光熱組件進行了瞬時效率實驗測試,在10月末的北京,環(huán)境溫度為19℃時,PV/T組件瞬時效率的截距可達到41.4%,組件總熱損系數(shù)為3.95,20℃入口溫度時的太陽能利用總效率可達到50%以上,綜合性能效率達到70%以上,因此,該技術(shù)大幅提高了太陽能利用率。黑色背板和白色背板組件瞬時熱效率的截距相差不大,但黑色背板的熱損系數(shù)較大。組件在低環(huán)境溫度下的測試結(jié)果表明,在低入口溫度的條件下具有較高的發(fā)電和集熱效率。 其次,用Fluent模擬軟件建立MHPA-PVT組件的三維穩(wěn)態(tài)模型,綜合考慮玻璃蓋板、電池、TPT背板、微熱管陣列、翼型水管換熱器和冷卻流體等組成部分,計算組件的瞬時熱電效率,并與實驗數(shù)據(jù)進行對比,驗證了模型的可靠性。并以此模型,對組件性能的影響因素,包括運行流速、環(huán)境溫度、風速及輻照度四個方面對進行了模擬研究之后對組件的結(jié)構(gòu),包括微熱管陣列的鋪設、布置方向和冷凝段的長度三個方面進行了優(yōu)化研究,為組件的結(jié)構(gòu)與性能的優(yōu)化提供了理論依據(jù)。 再次,搭建了戶用光伏光熱系統(tǒng)(每天用電1千瓦時,100升45℃的熱水需求)實驗平臺,并進行了全年監(jiān)測,測試結(jié)果表明,太陽輻照度大于10MJ/(m2d)時,測試結(jié)束時水箱內(nèi)的水溫大多在45℃以上,該系統(tǒng)在少量增加初投資的情況下,增加熱水的收益可以大幅減小投資的回收年限,具有十分廣闊的應用前景。 最后,建立MHPA-PVT系統(tǒng)運行的數(shù)學模型,利用實驗數(shù)據(jù)驗證了模型的可靠性。應用該模型對我國太陽能資源不同地區(qū)典型城市的MHPA-PV/T戶用系統(tǒng)的全年熱電性能進行了預測,并對北京地區(qū)不同熱水需求的用戶系統(tǒng)的全年收益作出了預測分析。
[Abstract]:The rapid development of economy can not be separated from the extensive use of traditional energy, which results in the shortage of fossil energy and the pollution produced in the process of use, which has attracted the attention of all countries in the world, and has been actively explored and highly efficient. Clean renewable energy is the only way to solve this problem. Among all the renewable energy sources, solar energy has become the focus of attention because of its huge energy, no pollution, low cost and so on. At present, solar energy collection technology and solar photovoltaic power generation technology is the most mature and widely used. In the use of photovoltaic power generation, because of its low generation efficiency (only about 15%), the temperature of the cell is too high and the efficiency of generation is affected. Therefore, from the angle of reducing the cell temperature, the efficiency of power generation is improved, and the heat collected is utilized. Comprehensive utilization of solar energy technology is a huge push. The high efficiency heat transfer element (Micro heat pipe array, (MHPA) is applied to the heat dissipation of photovoltaic cells, and the photovoltaic photothermal module (Micro heat pipe array-Photovoltaic/Thermal, (MHPA-PVT) of the microheat tube array is developed. The heat from the photovoltaic cell can be transferred to the cooling water and collected effectively, and the hot water can be obtained at a certain temperature, thus achieving the effect of cogeneration of heat and electricity. In this paper, the micro-heat tube array photovoltaic photothermal module and its composed system are taken as the research object, and the following research work is carried out. Firstly, according to the test method of flat panel solar collector, the instantaneous efficiency of microtube array photovoltaic photothermal module was tested. In Beijing at the end of October, the ambient temperature was 19 鈩




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