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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-30 18:39
【摘要】:論文通過我國與歐洲海上風(fēng)電發(fā)展過程比較,認為除了風(fēng)、浪、流等常規(guī)荷載外,我國海上風(fēng)電工程還要著重考慮臺風(fēng)、地震等極端災(zāi)害的威脅。因此,對海上風(fēng)機平臺進行全壽命階段極端災(zāi)害下的可靠性分析研究具有重要意義。本論文結(jié)合海上風(fēng)電工程實例,考慮復(fù)雜環(huán)境因素,研究與評估了海上風(fēng)機全壽命階段在臺風(fēng)和地震作用下的可靠度情況,為我國近海風(fēng)電場的風(fēng)機結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計提供了理論指導(dǎo)。 論文首先介紹了海上風(fēng)機的主要基礎(chǔ)型式和國內(nèi)外海上風(fēng)電項目的發(fā)展歷程與前景規(guī)劃,以及國內(nèi)外海上風(fēng)機可靠度分析領(lǐng)域的研究概況。根據(jù)可靠度理論及結(jié)構(gòu)可靠度求解方法,針對海上風(fēng)機可靠性分析特點,在不確定性有限元分析的基礎(chǔ)上,以響應(yīng)面法為核心,結(jié)合蒙特卡洛法求解海上風(fēng)機的可靠度指標(biāo),并給出了分析流程圖。經(jīng)不同模型對比,選取p-y曲線法來模擬樁-土非線性作用,并根據(jù)海洋平臺的腐蝕規(guī)律和沖刷規(guī)律,確定海上風(fēng)機四個典型壽命階段的參數(shù),考慮抗力參數(shù)不確定性,建立海上風(fēng)機全壽命階段的有限元隨機模型。 對臺風(fēng)和地震等環(huán)境荷載進行不確定性分析。將臺風(fēng)荷載和地震荷載等效為隨機靜力模型,以DNV規(guī)范為基礎(chǔ),考慮不同的極限狀態(tài)函數(shù),分別計算了結(jié)構(gòu)在臺風(fēng)作用和地震作用下無法正常工作的失效概率和可靠度指標(biāo),并總結(jié)典型壽命階段海上風(fēng)機在極端災(zāi)害下的可靠指標(biāo)變化規(guī)律。通過對隨機變量進行靈敏度分析,獲得對可靠指標(biāo)影響較大的隨機變量。論文的研究對平臺的設(shè)計提供了可靠度校核方面的支持,并且對在役平臺極端災(zāi)害下的安全性檢測及評估提供了技術(shù)參考。
[Abstract]:By comparing the development process of offshore wind power in China with that in Europe, it is concluded that in addition to conventional loads such as wind, waves and currents, the threat of extreme disasters such as typhoons and earthquakes should be taken into account in offshore wind power engineering in China. Therefore, it is of great significance to analyze and study the reliability of offshore fan platform under extreme disasters in the whole life stage. In this paper, the reliability of offshore wind turbines under the action of typhoon and earthquake is studied and evaluated considering complex environmental factors, which provides theoretical guidance for wind turbine structure design in offshore wind farms in China. Firstly, the paper introduces the main basic types of offshore fan, the development history and prospect planning of offshore wind power project at home and abroad, and the research situation of reliability analysis field of offshore fan at home and abroad. According to the reliability theory and structural reliability calculation method, according to the characteristics of reliability analysis of offshore fan, based on the finite element analysis of uncertainty, the reliability index of offshore fan is solved by combining Monte Carlo method with response surface method as the core. The flow chart of analysis is given. Based on the comparison of different models, the p-y curve method is selected to simulate the pile-soil nonlinear effect. According to the corrosion law and erosion law of offshore platform, the parameters of four typical life stages of offshore fan are determined, and the uncertainty of resistance parameters is considered. The finite element stochastic model of the whole life stage of offshore fan is established. Uncertainty analysis of environmental loads such as typhoons and earthquakes is carried out. The wind load and seismic load are equivalent to stochastic static model. Based on the DNV code and considering different limit state functions, the failure probability and reliability index of the structure which can not work normally under typhoon and earthquake are calculated respectively. The variation law of reliability index of offshore fan in typical life stage under extreme disaster is summarized. By analyzing the sensitivity of the random variables, the random variables which have great influence on the reliability index are obtained. The research in this paper provides support for reliability verification of platform design, and provides a technical reference for the safety detection and evaluation of platforms in service under extreme disasters.


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