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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-02-24 09:04

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 繼電保護(hù) TA斷線 接地距離保護(hù) 超越動(dòng)作 拒動(dòng) 接地 出處:《電力自動(dòng)化設(shè)備》2014年12期  論文類型:期刊論文

[Abstract]:Because of the higher and higher demand for the reliability of power supply, it is necessary to study the action behavior of distance protection when the current transformer is broken. Based on the fault circuit resistance measured at the protection installation, it is necessary to study the action behavior of the distance protection when the current transformer is broken. The influence of TA breakage on grounding distance protection is analyzed. From the analysis, it can be seen that the grounding distance protection is affected by the direction of power flow and the fault phase. On the power side, when the phase is ahead of the broken phase, the fault occurs in the area where the phase is ahead of the broken phase. The earthing distance protection is easy to refuse operation, when the phase lag behind the broken phase, the fault occurs outside the area, the ground distance protection is easy to misoperate. On the other hand, the operation of earthing distance protection on load side is contrary to that of power side. Combined with TA breaking line identification method, an adaptive earthing distance protection scheme is put forward, and the scheme is theoretically analyzed and tested. Suggestions for improvement of TA loop and protection configuration are given.
【作者單位】: 國(guó)電南京自動(dòng)化股份有限公司;


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