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發(fā)布時間:2018-02-23 21:26

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 變槳距風(fēng)力發(fā)電機 控制器無擾切換 BP-PID控制器 風(fēng)力發(fā)電機實驗系統(tǒng) 出處:《東北大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:Wind energy, as a clean and inexhaustible energy source, has received extensive attention. Wind power generation is an effective way to absorb and convert wind energy. However, because of the instability of wind energy, It is necessary to control the wind turbine in order to output stable electric energy and achieve the condition of grid-connected power generation. Because the variable pitch wind turbine can steadily output electric power by changing the pitch angle of the rotor, it can improve the power quality. Since the variable pitch wind turbine is a complex system with interdisciplinary knowledge and strong nonlinear characteristics, the exact model is not easy to obtain, because of increasing the life of the wind turbine, and increasing the life of the wind turbine, the variable pitch wind turbine is a complex system with cross-disciplinary knowledge. It is very difficult to study the wind turbine controller. In this paper, based on a 1.5MW large-scale wind turbine, the control principle of the wind turbine variable propeller is analyzed, and the mathematical model of the wind turbine is established by dividing the wind turbine into four parts. The variation of wind speed is studied, the wind speed model is established, and the experimental system of variable pitch wind turbine is established by using configuration software and MATLAB simulation platform. The research of variable pitch wind turbine controller has become one of the practical contents of undergraduate automation major in university. On the basis of analyzing the mathematical model of wind turbine, the variable pitch controller and experimental system of wind turbine are designed in this paper. The specific work is as follows: 1) the variable pitch wind turbine system is a nonlinear controlled object. Based on the aerodynamic characteristics, the relationship between the pitch angle change and the wind speed when the wind speed is above the rated wind speed is analyzed, and the piecewise linearization process is carried out. The PID controller with feedforward is designed, and the parameters of the controller are optimized by genetic algorithm. In order to realize the controller switching without disturbance, the Schmitt switching strategy of the controller is designed, and the control precision is further improved. The dynamic performance of the system is improved, and the BP-PID control algorithm is proposed. Finally, the controller designed by different methods is compared and analyzed by using the MATLAB simulation software. The simulation results show that BP-PID controller has good robustness and anti-interference characteristics. In order to apply the design method of wind turbine controller to undergraduate teaching, an experimental system of variable pitch wind turbine generator is established. In this system, the structure and parameters of the variable pitch controller of wind turbine can be adjusted. The man-machine interface is established by KingView configuration software, and the function of communicating with the external controller is realized at the same time. MATLAB is used as the data processing backstage. The mathematical model of variable pitch wind turbine is built. The data communication between front and back is realized by OPC technology.


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2 白\訝,




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