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  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 鏈式STATCOM 直流側(cè)電壓不平衡 無功補償 三相不平衡 出處:《濟南大學(xué)》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

【摘要】:鏈式的靜止同步補償器(Static Synchronous Compensator,STATCOM)在大功率高電壓無功補償方面具有良好的動態(tài)特性,具有模塊化、多電平、可靠性高、易于擴展等優(yōu)點,得到了人們的廣泛關(guān)注。本文針對鏈式STATCOM相關(guān)技術(shù)進行研究,討論了鏈式STATCOM的建模與控制,無功電流的檢測以及直流側(cè)電壓的控制等問題,具體研究內(nèi)容包括以下幾個方面: 介紹了STATCOM的基本工作原理。建立了鏈式STATCOM在三相靜止坐標系下以開關(guān)函數(shù)描述的數(shù)學(xué)模型。為便于控制器的設(shè)計,建立了鏈式STATCOM的低頻動態(tài)模型。利用坐標變換,得到了鏈式STATCOM在d q旋轉(zhuǎn)坐標系下的頻域等效模型,同時考慮了系統(tǒng)不平衡時的影響。 對鏈式STATCOM在頻域下的等效模型進行分析,,得到鏈式STATCOM是一個強耦合非線性系統(tǒng)。采用前饋解耦的內(nèi)環(huán)電流控制策略實現(xiàn)了有功電流和無功電流的有效分離。對于功率外環(huán),采用PI控制器得到鏈式STATCOM的電流參考值。基于此設(shè)計了鏈式STATCOM的控制器。此外,在設(shè)計過程中考慮了系統(tǒng)不平衡時鏈式STATCOM的控制問題。 對兩種基本檢測方法:p q法和ip iq法檢測諧波電流和無功電流的原理進行簡單闡述。分析了傳統(tǒng)三相鎖相環(huán)在系統(tǒng)電壓出現(xiàn)畸變和不平衡時不能實時準確的鎖相,利用相序解耦諧振(Sequence-Decoupled Resonant,SDR)控制器對傳統(tǒng)的鎖相環(huán)進行改進,得到一種采用SDR鎖相環(huán)的ip iq無功電流檢測方法。 分析了引起鏈式STATCOM的直流側(cè)壓不平衡的原因。從鏈式STATCOM裝置的功率平衡入手,對系統(tǒng)進行正負序分析,得出正序電流影響系統(tǒng)的總體電壓平衡,負序電流影響各相間的電壓平衡。對傳統(tǒng)的三級直流側(cè)電壓控制算法進行改進,得到一種新的三級直流側(cè)電容電壓平衡控制方法:第一級控制采用正序電流控制鏈式STATCOM的總體電壓平衡;第二級采用負序電流控制實現(xiàn)鏈式STATCOM各相間的電壓平衡;第三級針對相內(nèi)各個單相逆變橋(H-Bridge Inverter,HBI)模塊的電容電壓平衡問題,通過在鏈節(jié)輸出無功電流的基礎(chǔ)上添加一個純有功矢量,實現(xiàn)HBI模塊的電壓平衡。采用MATLAB/SIMULINK搭建了鏈節(jié)數(shù)為10級的仿真模型,仿真表明這種新型三級控制策略能有效實現(xiàn)鏈式STATCOM直流側(cè)電壓的平衡。
[Abstract]:The chain static Synchronous compensator has good dynamic characteristics in high-power and high-voltage reactive power compensation, and has the advantages of modularization, multilevel, high reliability and easy expansion. In this paper, the modeling and control of chain STATCOM, the detection of reactive current and the control of DC voltage are discussed. The specific research contents include the following aspects:. The basic working principle of STATCOM is introduced. The mathematical model of chain STATCOM described by switch function in three-phase static coordinate system is established. In order to facilitate the design of controller, the low frequency dynamic model of chain type STATCOM is established. The frequency domain equivalent model of chain STATCOM in d Q rotating coordinate system is obtained, and the influence of system unbalance is considered. By analyzing the equivalent model of chain STATCOM in frequency domain, it is concluded that chain STATCOM is a strongly coupled nonlinear system. The active current and reactive current are effectively separated by feedforward decoupling inner loop current control strategy. The current reference value of chain STATCOM is obtained by using Pi controller. Based on this, the controller of chain STATCOM is designed. In addition, the control problem of chain STATCOM when the system is unbalanced is considered in the design process. The principle of detecting harmonic current and reactive current by two basic detection methods:: PQ method and iq method are simply expounded. The traditional three-phase phase-locked loop can not be accurately locked in real time when the system voltage is distorted and unbalanced. The phase sequence decoupling resonant Sequence-Decouped Resonant (SDR) controller is used to improve the traditional PLL, and a SDR PLL is used to detect the reactive current of iq. This paper analyzes the causes of unbalance of DC side voltage of chain type STATCOM. Starting from the power balance of chain type STATCOM device, the positive and negative sequence analysis of the system is carried out, and the positive sequence current affects the overall voltage balance of the system. The negative sequence current affects the voltage balance between phases. The traditional three-stage DC side voltage control algorithm is improved. A new three-stage DC side capacitor voltage balance control method is presented. The first stage control adopts positive sequence current to control the total voltage balance of chain type STATCOM, the second stage adopts negative sequence current control to realize the voltage balance between each phase of chain type STATCOM, and the second stage adopts negative sequence current control to realize the voltage balance between each phase of the chain type STATCOM. In the third stage, aiming at the capacitor voltage balance problem of the H-Bridge Inverter HBI module, a pure active power vector is added on the basis of the reactive current output from the link. The voltage balance of HBI module is realized. A simulation model with 10 levels of chain nodes is built by using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The simulation results show that this new three-level control strategy can effectively balance the DC side voltage of chain STATCOM.


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