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發(fā)布時間:2018-09-11 06:04
[Abstract]:Aiming at the inconsistent imaging performance of the electroluminescent defect detector, combining the principle of photovoltaic module, the resolution, image uniformity, image display and other technical indexes are analyzed and compared. In this paper, a fast and effective detection technique for photovoltaic module production line is presented. The corresponding testing and evaluation device was developed and the relevant test tests were carried out. The experimental results show that the highest resolution detection of 1.98lp/mm (line-to-millimeter) and the simulated detection of the minimum single stripe defect of 0.1mm linewidth can be realized by using this technique to read the image of the resolution test board affixed to the module. In order to ensure the defect detection of photovoltaic modules can be more accurate and effective to promote the quality of photovoltaic industry. The test results show that the evaluation technique is suitable for the electroluminescent defect detector in the photovoltaic module production line and can meet the needs of the photovoltaic industry at present.
【作者單位】: 福建省計量科學研究院國家光伏產業(yè)計量測試中心;
【基金】:國家質檢總局科技項目(No.2015QK120) 福建省質監(jiān)局科技項目(No.FJQI2015030) 福建省科技計劃資助項目(No.2014R1033-1)


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