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發(fā)布時間:2018-09-10 21:07
【摘要】:智能電子設(shè)備安裝在變電站的間隔層,自動完成信息采集、保護、測量控制和狀態(tài)監(jiān)測等功能,智能電子設(shè)備是變電站中的重要設(shè)備,體現(xiàn)了變電站的自動化水平。多CPU分布式結(jié)構(gòu)成為IED設(shè)計的主流選擇,但基于該架構(gòu)的IED存在著開發(fā)難度大、開發(fā)周期長、插件和元件數(shù)量多和故障率高等問題。解決這些問題必須從IED的架構(gòu)著手,計算機技術(shù)和芯片制造技術(shù)的進步為IED的開發(fā)研究提供了堅實的技術(shù)保障,為克服傳統(tǒng)IED存在的缺點提供了研究方向。針對智能電子設(shè)備功能集成和通信分散的特點,論文提供了基于ZYNQ平臺的母線差動保護IED解決方案。首先,分析IEC 61850標準,得出IED的基本功能框架。然后,選擇集成了雙ARM處理系統(tǒng)和FPGA可編程邏輯的ZYNQ平臺,進行IED方案設(shè)計。具體方案是:在雙ARM處理系統(tǒng)上建立嵌入式Linux系統(tǒng)和實時系統(tǒng),嵌入式Linux系統(tǒng)中移植mmslite軟件包實現(xiàn)了 MMS服務(wù),實時系統(tǒng)中實現(xiàn)了 GOOSE/SV功能,FPGA中實現(xiàn)過程層通信。該部分并不涉及具體的保護功能。進一步,設(shè)計母線差動保護IED。實現(xiàn)了采樣值差動邏輯和面向母線差動保護的建模,獨創(chuàng)性的采用硬件加速技術(shù)在FPGA中構(gòu)建差分計算模塊,和實時系統(tǒng)中的是時差法公共檢測TA飽和。論文在該部分對TA飽和的原理進行了分析,對時差法的進行仿真,表明了差分法具有較好的檢測TA飽和效果。論文詳細介紹了差分法IP核的設(shè)計方法,對差分邏輯狀態(tài)機的執(zhí)行策略進行了闡述。硬件加速技術(shù)帶來的系統(tǒng)軟硬件數(shù)據(jù)交互方式的轉(zhuǎn)變和保護并行執(zhí)行策略,論文對這兩方面進行了詳細介紹。最后,論文進行了三項測試..1)資源占用比測試:表明母線差動保護IED使用的系統(tǒng)軟硬件滿足系統(tǒng)約束。2)加速比測試:硬件加速技術(shù)取得了約4.8倍的加速比,顯著提高了差分法的執(zhí)行效率,克服了串行執(zhí)行方式無法實現(xiàn)差分法的缺陷。3)RTDS系統(tǒng)閉環(huán)測試:模擬各類母線故障和TA飽和,對母線差動保護IED進行測試,結(jié)果表明IED具有良好的選擇性、可靠性和檢測TA飽和性能。論文在ZYNQ平臺上進行智能變電站IED的開發(fā)研究,帶來了裝置體系架構(gòu)和開發(fā)方式的轉(zhuǎn)變。母線差動保護IED的架構(gòu)由單塊板卡代替原來的多板卡,縮小了產(chǎn)品體積,減少了元件與插件數(shù)量,降低了故障率,穩(wěn)定性和可靠性大大增加。IED設(shè)計過程中采用了標準的軟硬件開發(fā)工具,開發(fā)一致性高,縮短了開發(fā)周期,便于項目實施和維護。此外,軟硬件協(xié)同的開發(fā)方式能夠?qū)⒂布c軟件協(xié)同起來,實現(xiàn)原有軟件中無法實現(xiàn)的功能,使得優(yōu)秀的保護算法得以應(yīng)用。測試表明,母線差動保護IED的資源使用滿足系統(tǒng)約束,動作條件滿足國家標準。因此,論文的設(shè)計成果具有實際應(yīng)用價值。
[Abstract]:Intelligent electronic equipment is installed in the interval layer of substation, which automatically completes the functions of information collection, protection, measurement control and state monitoring. Intelligent electronic equipment is an important equipment in substation, which embodies the automation level of substation. Multiple CPU distributed architecture has become the mainstream choice of IED design, but the IED based on this architecture has many problems, such as the difficulty of development, the long development cycle, the large number of plug-ins and components and the high failure rate. To solve these problems, we must start with the framework of IED. The progress of computer technology and chip manufacturing technology provides a solid technical guarantee for the development and research of IED, and provides a research direction for overcoming the shortcomings of traditional IED. In view of the characteristics of intelligent electronic equipment function integration and communication dispersion, this paper provides a bus differential protection IED solution based on ZYNQ platform. Firstly, the IEC 61850 standard is analyzed and the basic functional framework of IED is obtained. Then, the ZYNQ platform which integrates the dual ARM processing system and FPGA programmable logic is selected to design the IED scheme. The specific scheme is to establish embedded Linux system and real-time system on dual ARM processing system, transplant mmslite software package to implement MMS service in embedded Linux system, and realize process layer communication in GOOSE/SV function in real-time system. This section does not involve specific protection functions. Furthermore, the busbar differential protection IED. is designed. The model of sampled-value differential logic and generator-oriented differential protection is realized. The hardware acceleration technique is used to construct the differential computing module in FPGA and the time-difference common detection TA saturation in real-time system. In this part, the principle of TA saturation is analyzed, and the time difference method is simulated, which shows that the difference method has a good effect on detecting TA saturation. In this paper, the design method of differential IP kernel is introduced in detail, and the execution strategy of differential logic state machine (DSM) is described. The hardware acceleration technology brings about the transformation of the system software and hardware data interaction mode and the strategy of protecting parallel execution. The paper introduces these two aspects in detail. Finally, three tests, I. e., resource occupancy ratio, are carried out. The results show that the hardware and software of the bus differential protection IED meet the system constraint .2) speedup ratio test: the hardware acceleration technology achieves a speedup ratio of about 4.8 times. The efficiency of the differential method is improved significantly, and the defect of the differential method is overcome. 3) the closed-loop test of the RTDS system is achieved by simulating all kinds of bus faults and TA saturation, and the busbar differential protection IED is tested. The results show that IED has good selectivity, reliability and saturation performance for detecting TA. In this paper, the development of intelligent substation IED based on ZYNQ platform has brought about the transformation of device architecture and development mode. The architecture of busbar differential protection IED is replaced by a single board card instead of the original multi-board card, which reduces the volume of the product, reduces the number of components and plug-ins, and reduces the failure rate. The stability and reliability greatly increase the standard software and hardware development tools are used in the design process of .IED, the development consistency is high, the development cycle is shortened, and the project is easy to implement and maintain. In addition, hardware and software can be co-developed in the way of hardware and software to achieve the original software can not achieve the function, so that the excellent protection algorithm can be applied. The test results show that the use of IED resources meets the system constraints and the operational conditions meet the national standards. Therefore, the design results of the paper have practical application value.


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