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發(fā)布時間:2018-09-10 14:55
[Abstract]:With the development of technology, UAV plays an important role in overhead transmission line inspection in recent years. A large number of researches and applications have been carried out around the automatic detection and processing of UAV images at home and abroad, but transmission line targets are very easy to detach from the lens picture during patrol inspection, which results in the problem of missing detection. In order to make the UAV patrol more practical, the intelligent image acquisition is the key to the research. It is necessary to solve the long distance autonomous cruise of UAV and the accurate track shooting of the airborne camera during the cruise. In order to solve this problem, a new inspection scheme based on space vision detection is proposed in this paper. The multi-rotor UAV based on satellite navigation is equipped with infrared camera and visible light camera to shoot the line simultaneously. The infrared camera is responsible for tracking the transmission lines. By analyzing and processing the infrared images with clear line features, the output control signal adjusts the angle of the cloud head in time, so as to ensure that the transmission line targets will not move out of the lens. Visible-light camera synchronously takes details such as lines, hardware, insulators and so on to achieve high-quality inspection. In this paper, the weight window optimized optical flow method is used for infrared image processing, especially the problem of transient non-isometric squint in the rotation angle of the tower is studied, and a method based on pole and tower marking correction is proposed. The algorithm is analyzed and verified by experiments. An image processing algorithm based on k-b parameter space is proposed to detect and fit straight lines by template set matching, which improves the clarity of line and tower extraction. The theoretical verification of the angle adjustment of the cloud head is completed. In order to solve the above problems, this paper builds a hardware experimental platform, and makes eight rotary-wing UAV, visible light camera, infrared camera, cloud head, flight control and other equipment, and carries out relevant theoretical verification and experimental analysis. Through simulation experiments, it is found that the above method can effectively ensure that the UAV can carry the camera to collect the image of the transmission line patrol inspection, and can capture the transmission line and tower very well without any uncontrollable factors. The effective parameters of cloud head adjustment are calculated, and the transmission line is tracked well, which provides a certain theoretical reference for the visual tracking inspection of UAV.


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