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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-10 10:53
[Abstract]:With the increasing of power network scale and power demand, it has become an urgent problem to control the short-circuit current level. In this paper, a fault current limiter with series compensation is proposed, which is composed of capacitor, by-pass inductor controlled by power electronic device, series inductor and so on. The device can adjust the equivalent reactance of the transmission line during the normal operation of the system, improve the transmission capacity of the system, and can be quickly put into the bypass inductor to limit the short-circuit current after the system failure. Based on the planned operation data of Anhui power network in 2017, the application of fault current limiter in substations with short circuit current exceeding the standard is studied, and a simulation model is built. The simulation results show that the device can effectively suppress short circuit current. Relieves voltage sag caused by failure.
【作者單位】: 安徽電力調(diào)度控制中心;中電普瑞科技有限公司;


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