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發(fā)布時間:2018-09-09 19:02
[Abstract]:With the further tightening of nitrogen oxide emission limits, domestic coal-fired units will carry out the transformation of ultra-low emissions. On the basis of analyzing and summarizing the quality and operation characteristics of SCR denitrification catalyst in the early stage, in order to standardize and strictly design and purchase the catalyst, combined with the present production status of denitrification catalyst and operation control status of denitrification system. The results of the detection of denitrification catalyst in recent three years and the design and purchase of the denitrification catalyst involved in the retrofit of ultra-low emission of SCR denitrification unit in active coal-fired power plants in China are also presented in this paper. Especially, the design of catalyst and the content of catalyst purchasing technology agreement and its possible problems are analyzed.
【作者單位】: 華電電力科學(xué)研究院;華電國際電力股份有限公司山東分公司;


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