
當(dāng)前位置:主頁(yè) > 科技論文 > 電氣論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-09-09 08:56
[Abstract]:Permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) as a very widely used power source has the advantages of high power density, low loss, fast dynamic response and so on. The servo system based on permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) has solved many technical problems for manufacturing and related industries. The rotor structure of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is various. As the product of its optimal design, the polygonal rotor yoke structure has considerable advantages in increasing the sinusoidal potential of the motor and reducing the torque ripple, which has attracted more and more attention. However, in the existing research, the research on the rotor force of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) with this structure is still lacking, which restricts the further improvement of its performance. Therefore, this paper takes the polygonal rotor yoke permanent magnet synchronous motor as the research object. In this paper, the two-dimensional electromagnetic force characteristics of the rotor based on the magnetic field analysis method are studied, which is of great significance to the further application and development of the structure in the permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM). The research work in this paper is divided into four stages. Because the magnetic field is the basis of solving the electromagnetic force, the no-load air-gap magnetic field of the polygonal rotor yoke permanent magnet synchronous motor is analytically calculated in this paper. In the process of solving, the whole motor area is divided into four parts, and they are connected by using the boundary condition. In view of the particularity of the polygonal rotor yoke structure, the rotor yoke radius function and the eccentric permanent magnet radius function are proposed in this part to describe the nonuniform air gap length, and the matrix equations are derived from the boundary conditions. The distribution of no-load air gap magnetic field is determined. The result of this method is compared with that of finite element method. Secondly, in a similar way, the magnetization of permanent magnet is ignored, and assuming that the relative permeability of permanent magnet and air gap is the same, the plane region of motor is divided into three parts, and the air-gap magnetic field of armature reaction is calculated analytically. The results are compared with the results of finite element analysis, which verify the correctness of the analytical process and lay a foundation for the analysis of the load air-gap magnetic field and the load two-dimensional electromagnetic force. Thirdly, based on the analytical results of magnetic field in the first two chapters, the two-dimensional electromagnetic stress distribution of the permanent magnet synchronous motor with polygonal rotor yoke is solved according to Maxwell's stress formula, and the result is decomposed into three parts. Each part is analyzed in detail and compared with the general circular rotor yoke permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), and the difference between them is explored. At the same time, the radial and tangential components of two-dimensional electromagnetic stress are projected to X and Y directions, respectively, and the unbalanced magnetic tension of the whole rotor is obtained by integral. The characteristics of unbalanced magnetic pull force and its internal relation with the structure size of motor are studied. Finally, the structure of the experimental prototype is designed, and four groups of experiments are carried out. The correctness of the magnetic field analysis is verified by testing the no-load reverse EMF and inductance of the prototype, and the correctness of the two-dimensional electromagnetic force solution analysis is verified by the testing of the unbalanced magnetic pull force of the prototype.


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