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發(fā)布時間:2018-09-08 18:55
[Abstract]:Converter transformer is one of the core equipment of HVDC transmission. The safety and reliability of converter transformer is the guarantee of the normal operation of HVDC transmission system. Converter transformer valve-side winding bears the function of AC-DC compound voltage for a long time, and the insulation problem is more complicated. In order to ensure the safe and stable operation of converter transformers, some measures should be taken to effectively diagnose the insulation defects of converter transformers. However, the commonly used partial discharge (PD) detection is not satisfactory because of the lack of perfect diagnostic basis for converter transformers. The research on the development process and discharge characteristics of typical defects of oil-paper insulation under AC / DC composite voltage can provide scientific basis for fault diagnosis of converter transformers. At present, some problems have been studied, such as partial discharge phase division, characteristic extraction of pattern, pattern recognition and so on. However, as a typical representative of oil-paper insulation defects in extremely uneven electric field, the discharge randomness of needle board defects is strong, the discharge characteristics are unstable, and the development characteristics of partial discharge have not been fully studied. In order to provide a more scientific basis for the evaluation of oil-paper insulation condition during the operation of converter transformers, the following aspects have been carried out in this paper: (1) the partial discharge test of oil-paper insulation under compound voltage is carried out. The development process of the discharge of the defect model of oil-paper insulating needle board is studied. Based on the variation of various characteristic variables in different stages, the discharge development process is divided into stages, and the discharge characteristics of different development stages are analyzed and studied. (2) at different compound voltage ratios and different temperatures, The partial discharge test of oil-paper needle board defects was carried out and the discharge characteristics of each development stage were recorded. On the one hand, we can study the influence of external factors, such as voltage form and temperature, on the development of partial discharge, on the other hand, we can more comprehensively simulate the different temperatures that may occur in the actual operation of converter transformers. The external conditions, such as voltage form, provide sample data for subsequent diagnosis and identification. (3) constructing the map of partial discharge characteristics and extracting appropriate characteristic parameters, and studying support vector machine. The application of neural network in the development stage of partial discharge (PD) of oil-paper needle board defects under the compound voltage is discussed. A suitable pattern recognition method is found to realize the diagnosis and recognition of the severity of PD development.


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