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發(fā)布時間:2018-08-13 17:04
[Abstract]:Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have many advantages, such as large specific surface area, high strength, good toughness and so on. These excellent physical and chemical properties have attracted wide attention in the field of physics, chemistry and even materials. Both experimental and theoretical studies have been carried out by scientists. The results show that carbon nanotubes and other nanomaterials play an important role in many aspects such as electronic devices, biosensors, building materials and so on. In this paper, the doping and adsorption of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been studied according to the research progress. In the aspect of doping, LDA/6-21G method is used to optimize the geometric structure of HSE 06 / 6-31G (?) The band structure is calculated. In the aspect of adsorption, the geometric structure of HSE06 / 6-31G (?) was optimized by using five methods of LSDA-PBE06-HSE06-B97D- wb97XD. The band structure is calculated. The same chiral boron nitride nanotubes were compared and analyzed with the following parameters: bond length, bond angle, lattice constant, diameter of nanotubes, density of states, energy gap, doping concentration, formation energy and so on. The theoretical calculation results show that the geometric and electronic structures of the three chiral CNTs are affected by doping. The bond length, the maximum bond angle, the minimum value and the lattice constant of the three chiral CNTs are increased. With the increase of boron nitrogen doping amount, the band gap of spiral and armchair nanotubes becomes larger, but it has little effect on the band gap of sawtooth carbon nanotubes, and the impurity peaks appear in the density diagram of states near Fermi level after doping. With the increase of doping amount, the formation energy of the system increases linearly. On the adsorption side, the structure of the three chiral carbon nanotubes has little change after the adsorption of adenine molecules. When the same model is calculated by five different methods, there will be a small range of numerical fluctuations. In the calculation of bandgap, the calculated results of 蠅 B97XD are quite different from those of the other four methods. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have great potential application value in new nano-materials. Because of their unique properties, carbon nanotubes will have a wider application prospect in the future. It is hoped that our theoretical results will lay a foundation for future carbon nanotubes doping and adsorption, especially in biomedical applications such as carbon nanotubes adsorption of DNA and protein. To provide some reliable theoretical basis.


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