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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-08-11 21:28
【摘要】:隨著社會(huì)經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展和民生的改善,傳統(tǒng)能源消耗的增長(zhǎng),導(dǎo)致全球氣候變化和環(huán)境嚴(yán)重污染的問題。本世紀(jì)以來,可再生能源的利用越來越受到關(guān)注,尤其是太陽能。目前,太陽能利用主要集中在光伏發(fā)電和光熱利用。光伏利用效率較低,制造過程存在二次環(huán)境污染,光熱利用盡管效率較高,但是也受間斷性和不穩(wěn)定性等因素的制約。然而,大容量、高效相變儲(chǔ)能技術(shù)卻能有效克服這些缺點(diǎn)。相變儲(chǔ)能技術(shù)由于溫度范圍可控、相變過程恒定、儲(chǔ)能密度大、易于控制以及性能穩(wěn)定等優(yōu)點(diǎn),已經(jīng)得到了廣泛的應(yīng)用。相變石蠟作為一種PCM,具有相變儲(chǔ)熱高、化學(xué)穩(wěn)定性較好、無相分離和價(jià)格低廉等優(yōu)點(diǎn),因此本文采用石蠟作為PCM。 本課題所用相變儲(chǔ)能散熱器為自主設(shè)計(jì)制造,該相變儲(chǔ)能散熱器由6個(gè)儲(chǔ)熱單元和保溫腔體以及熱傳輸管道組成。本文研究了該相變儲(chǔ)能散熱器中PCM在恒定熱源溫度的條件下,儲(chǔ)能和散熱性能的影響因素,繪制出不同熱源溫度下PCM的儲(chǔ)熱、散熱曲線,并計(jì)算了相應(yīng)儲(chǔ)熱、散熱速率。首先采用差示掃描量熱法(DSC)對(duì)相變石蠟材料的熱物性參數(shù)進(jìn)行測(cè)試;其次對(duì)PCM在給定熱源溫度(60℃、65℃、70℃、75℃、80℃、85℃)和給定功率(額定動(dòng)率為165W的動(dòng)力泵)條件下進(jìn)行儲(chǔ)熱、散熱的實(shí)驗(yàn)研究;最后分別計(jì)算對(duì)應(yīng)熱源溫度下的儲(chǔ)熱、散熱速率。實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果表明,在儲(chǔ)熱過程中,熱源溫度越高,,儲(chǔ)熱速率越快;在散熱過程中,空氣進(jìn)風(fēng)口橫截面積開啟率越大,散熱速率越快。PCM的儲(chǔ)熱過程可分為固相顯熱儲(chǔ)熱、熔化潛熱儲(chǔ)熱和液相顯熱儲(chǔ)熱三個(gè)階段。在升溫過程中,相變儲(chǔ)能散熱器內(nèi)的相變石蠟材料溫度升高幅度不一致,在固相顯熱過程中,上部材料溫度升高速率大于中下部材料溫度升高速率;然而,在散熱過程中,相變儲(chǔ)能散熱器內(nèi)的相變石蠟材料溫度下降趨勢(shì)總體基本一致。
[Abstract]:With the development of social economy and the improvement of people's livelihood, the increase of traditional energy consumption leads to the problem of global climate change and serious environmental pollution. Since this century, more and more attention has been paid to the utilization of renewable energy, especially solar energy. At present, solar energy utilization is mainly concentrated in photovoltaic power generation and photothermal utilization. Photovoltaic utilization efficiency is low and secondary environmental pollution exists in the manufacturing process. Although the efficiency of photothermal utilization is high, it is also restricted by discontinuity and instability. However, large capacity, high efficiency phase change energy storage technology can effectively overcome these shortcomings. Phase change energy storage technology has been widely used because of the controllable temperature range, constant phase transition process, high energy storage density, easy to control and stable performance. As a kind of PCM, phase change paraffin has the advantages of high heat storage, good chemical stability, no phase separation and low price. Therefore, paraffin wax is used as PCM in this paper. The phase change energy storage radiator used in this paper is designed and manufactured independently. The phase change energy storage radiator consists of six heat storage units, heat preservation chamber and heat transfer pipeline. In this paper, the factors influencing the energy storage and heat dissipation performance of PCM in the phase change energy storage radiator under the condition of constant heat source temperature are studied. The heat storage and heat dissipation curves of PCM at different heat source temperatures are plotted, and the corresponding heat storage and heat dissipation rates are calculated. The thermal properties of phase change paraffin were measured by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Secondly, the heat storage and heat dissipation of PCM at given heat source temperature (60 鈩




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