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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-03 10:04

  本文選題:表面等離子體共振 + Fano共振 ; 參考:《華東師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

【摘要】:作為一種新型的等離子體現(xiàn)象,Fano共振憑借其尖銳的光譜特征和極強(qiáng)的光場(chǎng)束縛能力在生物和化學(xué)探測(cè)領(lǐng)域具有潛在應(yīng)用價(jià)值。雖然Fano共振在最近幾年得到了廣泛研究,但是關(guān)于異質(zhì)納米結(jié)構(gòu)中由不同結(jié)構(gòu)提供明暗模式相互耦合產(chǎn)生Fano共振的報(bào)道還比較少。本學(xué)位論文利用時(shí)域有限差分軟件(FDTD)理論模擬了表面等離子體共振耦合的Fano效應(yīng),主要研究?jī)?nèi)容和創(chuàng)新點(diǎn)如下:(1)理論證明了A1-Ag納米棒異質(zhì)二聚體消光譜中產(chǎn)生的等離子體Fano共振是由短的A1納米棒支持的偶極明模式和長(zhǎng)的Ag納米棒支持的四極暗模式相消耦合得到的?梢酝ㄟ^(guò)改變納米棒尺寸、端面形狀、間距和周?chē)h(huán)境的介電常數(shù)調(diào)節(jié)Fano共振的共振波長(zhǎng)和振幅。A1-Ag納米棒異質(zhì)二聚體對(duì)周?chē)h(huán)境具有很高的靈敏性,FoM值為7.0。(2)理論證明了硅-金納米腔散射光譜于近紅外區(qū)出現(xiàn)的明顯的非對(duì)稱(chēng)磁基Fano共振是由正交電磁模式直接相互作用產(chǎn)生的。不同于以前報(bào)道的關(guān)于金屬納米顆粒團(tuán)簇中的磁基Fano共振,硅磁偶極共振提供的窄的離散模式可以直接被外部入射光源激發(fā),而且在Fano dip處電磁近場(chǎng)增強(qiáng)可以同時(shí)達(dá)到最大。綜上所述,通過(guò)對(duì)異質(zhì)納米結(jié)構(gòu)中等離子體Fano共振產(chǎn)生機(jī)理和近場(chǎng)增強(qiáng)的研究,使Fano共振的調(diào)節(jié)更具可控性,為后續(xù)等離子體感應(yīng)和探測(cè)等相關(guān)實(shí)驗(yàn)提供了理論依據(jù)。
[Abstract]:As a new type of plasma phenomenon, Fano resonance has a potential application value in biological and chemical detection fields with its sharp spectral characteristics and very strong optical field binding ability. Although Fano resonance has been widely studied in recent years, the interaction between different structures in heterogeneous nanostructures is coupled with different structures. There are few reports on the birth Fano resonance. This thesis uses the finite difference time domain (FDTD) theory to simulate the Fano effect of the surface plasmon resonance coupling. The main research contents and innovation points are as follows: (1) the theory proved that the plasma Fano resonance produced in the A1-Ag nanorod heterostructure of the heterostructure is composed of short A1 nanorods. The supported dipole mode and the long Ag nanorod supported quadrupole coupling are obtained. The resonant wavelength and amplitude of the Fano resonance can be adjusted by changing the size of the nanorods, the shape of the end, the distance and the permittivity of the surrounding environment. The heterostructure of the.A1-Ag nanorods is highly sensitive to the circumference environment, and the FoM value is 7.0. (2). It is proved that the apparent asymmetric magnetic base Fano resonance of the scattering spectra of silicon gold nano cavity in the near infrared region is produced by the direct interaction of the orthogonal electromagnetic mode. Different from the previous reports about the magnetic based Fano resonance in the metal nanoparticles cluster, the narrow discrete mode of the silicon magnetic dipole resonance can be directly externally inserted. The radiation source is excited and the electromagnetic near field enhancement at Fano dip can reach the maximum at the same time. In summary, the regulation of the Fano resonance is more controllable by the study of the generation mechanism of Fano resonance in the heterogeneous nanostructures and the near-field enhancement, which provides a theoretical basis for the related experiments of the subsequent plasma induction and detection.



相關(guān)會(huì)議論文 前1條

1 易華祥;夏志軒;周治平;;基于溝道波導(dǎo)的Fano諧振微環(huán)傳感器[A];全國(guó)第十三次光纖通信暨第十四屆集成光學(xué)學(xué)術(shù)會(huì)議論文集[C];2007年

相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前3條

1 婁小偉;基于Fano諧振的眼型諧振腔尖銳度研究[D];中國(guó)科學(xué)院研究生院(長(zhǎng)春光學(xué)精密機(jī)械與物理研究所);2014年

2 慈雪婷;基于異質(zhì)納米結(jié)構(gòu)表面等離子體Fano共振研究[D];華東師范大學(xué);2015年

3 汪娟;三維拓?fù)浣^緣體表面態(tài)輸運(yùn)性質(zhì)與半狄拉克體系的Fano因子[D];浙江師范大學(xué);2014年





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