

發(fā)布時間:2018-03-05 23:30

  本文選題:區(qū)域合作政策 切入點:政策效果評估 出處:《廣西師范學(xué)院》2013年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

【摘要】:廣東、湖南、福建、四川、廣西、江西、海南、貴州、云南九省區(qū)和香港、澳門(簡稱“9+2”)政府領(lǐng)導(dǎo)于2004年共同簽署《泛珠三角區(qū)域合作框架協(xié)議》,預(yù)示著泛珠三角經(jīng)濟區(qū)必將成為帶動中國經(jīng)濟發(fā)展主要動力之一。為此,,合作區(qū)域各方政府紛紛出臺政策,致力于更進一步地深入泛珠合作。廣西黨委政府高度重視與泛珠三角區(qū)域各省區(qū)的合作,出臺了一系列規(guī)劃、意見和要求等政策性文件,促進廣西深入與泛珠三角區(qū)域的合作。但是,在眾多促進廣西參與泛珠三角區(qū)域合作的政策當中,其效果如何,這是一個值得探討的問題。 首先,在梳理了國外和國內(nèi)公共政策評估的相關(guān)理論,借鑒弗蘭克·費希爾價值與事實相統(tǒng)一的評估模型和韋唐政策評估模式,形成廣西參與泛珠三角區(qū)域合作政策效果評估體系。分別從交通基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施、產(chǎn)業(yè)、經(jīng)貿(mào)合作、市場服務(wù)四方面對政策直接效果進行評估,從與中國—東盟自貿(mào)區(qū)合作、與兄弟省市合作、與臺灣合作以及廣西北部灣經(jīng)濟區(qū)發(fā)展四方面對政策間接影響進行評估。 其次,通過對現(xiàn)行廣西參與泛珠三角區(qū)域合作政策進行評估發(fā)現(xiàn)目前存在的問題:一是政策制定相對滯后,針對性不突出;二是現(xiàn)行合作政策不能有效緩解私企或中小企業(yè)融資問題;三是制定的政策還存在紙上談兵、落實不力的情況;四是現(xiàn)行合作政策不能有效促進市場開拓服務(wù)體系充分發(fā)揮作用。 最后,提出廣西參與泛珠三角區(qū)域合作政策優(yōu)化的途徑。具體而言:一是明確廣西參與泛珠三角區(qū)域合作的政策框架;二是明確廣西參與泛珠三角區(qū)域合作的政策目標;三是加大廣西參與泛珠三角區(qū)域合作政策對中小企業(yè)融資的傾斜;四是加大廣西參與泛珠三角區(qū)域政策執(zhí)行力度;五是為廣西參與泛珠三角區(qū)域合作政策營造良好環(huán)境氛圍。
[Abstract]:Guangdong, Hunan, Fujian, Sichuan, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Hainan, Guizhou, Yunnan, nine provinces and Hong Kong, The signing of the Framework Agreement for Regional Cooperation in the Pan-Pearl River Delta by the government leaders of Macao ("9.2") on 2004 indicates that the Pan-Pearl River Delta Economic Zone will become one of the main driving forces for China's economic development. The governments of all parties in the cooperation region have issued policies one after another, committed themselves to further deepening the pan-pearl cooperation. The government of the Guangxi Party Committee attaches great importance to cooperation with the provinces and regions of the Pan-Pearl River Delta region and has issued a series of policy documents, such as plans, opinions and requirements, etc. However, among the many policies to promote Guangxi's participation in the Pan-Pearl River Delta region, what is its effect is a question worth discussing. First of all, in combing the relevant theories of foreign and domestic public policy evaluation, we draw lessons from Frank Fisher's value and fact assessment model and Wheaton policy evaluation model. To form a policy evaluation system for Guangxi's participation in the Pan-Pearl River Delta regional cooperation policy. It evaluates the direct effects of the policy from the four aspects of transport infrastructure, industry, economic and trade cooperation, and market services, and from the cooperation with the China-ASEAN Free Trade area, The indirect effects of the policy are evaluated from four aspects: cooperation with the provinces and cities, cooperation with Taiwan and the development of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone. Secondly, through the evaluation of the current policy of Guangxi participating in the regional cooperation in the Pan-Pearl River Delta, the problems are found: first, the policy formulation is relatively lagging behind, and the pertinence is not prominent; Second, the current policy of cooperation can not effectively alleviate the financing problem of private enterprises or small and medium-sized enterprises; Fourth, the current cooperative policy can not effectively promote market development service system to play a full role. Finally, the paper puts forward the ways for Guangxi to participate in the policy optimization of regional cooperation in the Pan-Pearl River Delta. In particular, the policy framework of Guangxi's participation in Pan-Pearl River Delta is clarified, and the policy objectives of Guangxi's participation in Pan-Pearl River Delta are defined. The third is to increase Guangxi's participation in the Pan-Pearl River Delta regional cooperation policy in favor of SME financing; fourth, to increase Guangxi's participation in the Pan-Pearl River Delta regional policy implementation; fifthly, to create a good environment for Guangxi to participate in the Pan-Pearl River Delta regional cooperation policy.


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