

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-11 08:25

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:基于購(gòu)買力平價(jià)理論的區(qū)際收入差距分析 出處:《北京工商大學(xué)》2013年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 購(gòu)買力平價(jià) 區(qū)際收入 收入差距 人民幣購(gòu)買力指數(shù)

【摘要】:長(zhǎng)期以來,區(qū)際收入的差距問題都是學(xué)術(shù)界研究的熱點(diǎn)問題。人均可支配收入作為衡量居民收入基本情況的重要指標(biāo),也常被用于研究區(qū)際收入。然而,,目前各地區(qū)人均可支配收入的高低,以及差距的計(jì)算,都是基于名義價(jià)格來計(jì)算的,本文認(rèn)為這種測(cè)算方法可以得到改善。由于我國(guó)各省市的物價(jià)水平并不一致,同等數(shù)量的人民幣的購(gòu)買力也不相同,單純地用名義價(jià)格來衡量各個(gè)地區(qū)的區(qū)際收入,就不足以反映各地區(qū)居民的真實(shí)收入水平,也不能真實(shí)地測(cè)算出各地區(qū)間的收入差距。本文專注于剔除物價(jià)的影響,真實(shí)地測(cè)算出各個(gè)地區(qū)間的區(qū)際收入差距。 由于受到購(gòu)買力平價(jià)理論的啟發(fā),本文基于購(gòu)買力平價(jià)理論,計(jì)算出各地區(qū)之間的人民幣購(gòu)買力指數(shù),用以剔除地區(qū)間的價(jià)格差異,修正區(qū)際收入,核算真實(shí)的區(qū)際收入以及區(qū)際收入差距。本文首先以消費(fèi)價(jià)格指數(shù)(CPI)為代表分析了我國(guó)各地區(qū)之間的價(jià)格差異現(xiàn)象,然后利用購(gòu)買力平價(jià)的計(jì)算方法,以北京的價(jià)格為基準(zhǔn),計(jì)算出各地區(qū)的人民幣購(gòu)買力指數(shù);再用該指數(shù)對(duì)我國(guó)各地區(qū)的區(qū)際收入進(jìn)行修正,并對(duì)修正后的結(jié)果進(jìn)行比較分析。本文通過對(duì)我國(guó)2002年到2010年9年間除港、澳、臺(tái)以外的31個(gè)省、直轄市及自治區(qū)的區(qū)際收入進(jìn)行修正比較,發(fā)現(xiàn)東部發(fā)達(dá)地區(qū)的區(qū)際收入經(jīng)過人民幣購(gòu)買力指數(shù)的修正變動(dòng)幅度較小;但是,中西部地區(qū)的區(qū)際收入經(jīng)過人民幣購(gòu)買力指數(shù)的修正發(fā)現(xiàn)變動(dòng)幅度比較大。綜合起來看,用人民幣購(gòu)買力指數(shù)剔除掉物價(jià)的影響之后,各個(gè)地區(qū)之間的區(qū)際收入差距相對(duì)于修正前有縮小的趨勢(shì)。 文章最后指出,雖然修正后的區(qū)際收入差距小于修正前的區(qū)際收入差距,但是我國(guó)區(qū)際收入差距逐年擴(kuò)大的趨勢(shì)依然存在。本文從地理歷史、政策制度、教育發(fā)展不平衡等方面分析了區(qū)際收入差距存在的原因,并從投資調(diào)節(jié)、加強(qiáng)教育培訓(xùn)、加快內(nèi)陸城市發(fā)展等方面提供了相應(yīng)的政策建議。
[Abstract]:For a long time, the issue of income gap between regions has been a hot issue in academic circles. As an important indicator to measure the basic situation of residents' income, the per capita disposable income is often used to study inter-regional income. At present, the level of per capita disposable income, as well as the calculation of the gap, are based on nominal prices. This paper argues that this method of measurement can be improved. Because the price level of different provinces and cities in China is not the same, the purchasing power of the same amount of RMB is also different. Simply using nominal prices to measure the interregional income of each region is not enough to reflect the real income level of the residents in each region. This paper focuses on eliminating the influence of price and calculating the income gap among different regions. Inspired by purchasing power parity theory, this paper calculates the purchasing power index of RMB among different regions based on purchasing power parity theory, in order to eliminate the price difference between regions and revise the inter-regional income. This paper analyzes the price difference between different regions in China, and then uses purchasing power parity (PPP) method to calculate the real inter-regional income and the income gap between different regions. The paper takes the consumer price index (CPI) as a representative to analyze the phenomenon of price difference between different regions in China. Based on the price of Beijing, the purchasing power index of RMB is calculated. Then the index is used to revise the inter-regional income of various regions in China, and the results are compared and analyzed. This paper analyzes the nine years from 2002 to 2010 in China except Hong Kong and Macao. The inter-regional income of 31 provinces, municipalities directly under the Central Government and autonomous regions outside Taiwan is revised and compared, and it is found that the inter-regional income of the eastern developed areas has a relatively small range of changes through the correction of the purchasing power index of RMB. However, the Interregional income of the central and western regions has been found to have a relatively large range of changes after the revision of the RMB purchasing power index. Taken together, the influence of prices is eliminated by using the RMB purchasing power index. The income gap between different regions has a trend of narrowing compared with that before the correction. Finally, the paper points out that although the revised inter-regional income gap is smaller than the pre-revised inter-regional income gap, there is still a growing trend of inter-regional income gap in China. This article from the geographical history, policy system. This paper analyzes the causes of the income gap between regions in terms of unbalanced development of education, and provides corresponding policy suggestions from the aspects of investment adjustment, strengthening education and training, speeding up the development of inland cities, and so on.


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