

發(fā)布時間:2018-03-01 13:04

  本文關鍵詞: 中亞 上合組織 投資 貿(mào)易 合作 爭端解決 出處:《西北大學》2015年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

[Abstract]:The "Silk Road Economic Belt" is a new trade area developed by China and Central Asian countries on the basis of the ancient Silk Road in recent years. According to the current economic and trade development situation in China, the regional development is still very uneven. The economic strength of the northwestern region is still in a state of inferiority, so we must balance the development of the regional economy, and the vigorous development of the new "Silk Road Economic Belt" will bring new economic growth points to our country. It can also rapidly promote the economic and trade development in the northwestern part of our country. Therefore, in this context, conducting in-depth economic and trade exchanges with Central Asian countries has become a major decision for our country to implement the "going global" strategy. And in recent years, in practice, The cooperation between China and the Central Asian countries has achieved gratifying results. The forms of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries have been continuously expanded, and the fields of cooperation have become deeper and deeper, which has formed a preliminary pattern of cooperation. However, because the Silk Road economic belt belongs to the transnational economic development zone, Different countries in the region have different national conditions and economic development, so it is easy to cause trade disputes in economic and trade exchanges. Therefore, it is particularly important to study the normative and regulatory role of the law in the economic and trade cooperation between China and Central Asian countries. Only if the relevant legal mechanisms among countries are improved, can the development of regional economic and trade cooperation take on a good trend. They are familiar with the laws and regulations of the other country and can better avoid the risk of cooperation. It can also make the rights and obligations of the other side clearer and clear the obstacles for the development of regional economy and trade. This paper analyzes the legal problems existing in the economic and trade cooperation between China and the Central Asian countries from many aspects. The main body is composed of four parts: the first chapter is the introduction part. The author emphatically introduces why to choose the topic and the significance of choosing the topic. It also analyzes and summarizes the existing academic achievements, and uses a variety of research methods to illustrate the basic viewpoints of this paper. The second chapter briefly describes the development of economic and trade cooperation between China and Central Asian countries, from the current situation of economic and trade cooperation. The current situation of the legal system and the current situation of economic and trade cooperation under the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization are briefly summarized respectively, which serves as a starting point for the following. In terms of energy and dispute settlement mechanisms, the legal problems existing in the economic and trade cooperation between China and Central Asian countries are analyzed. Only by clarifying the legal loopholes that exist can we find the right remedy for the case. Chapter 4th, from the perspective of various issues corresponding to the third chapter, puts forward corresponding suggestions on how to perfect the legal mechanism of economic and trade cooperation between China and the Central Asian countries by using different methods and different positions. It also puts forward some legal countermeasures for the smooth implementation of economic and trade cooperation opportunities between China and Central Asian countries from the perspective of Shanghai Cooperation Organization framework, which is also the innovation of this paper.


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