

發(fā)布時間:2018-02-26 19:45

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 馬克思主義和諧社會 貧困理論 西安市城區(qū)貧困群體 反貧困 出處:《長安大學》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

【摘要】:城市中貧困群體的存在是構(gòu)建社會主義和諧社會的嚴重阻礙,,是城市保持社會穩(wěn)定的隱患,是城市發(fā)展面臨的挑戰(zhàn)和危機,是國民經(jīng)濟持續(xù)健康發(fā)展的阻力和困難,與當前正在加快構(gòu)建社會主義和諧社會的大環(huán)境不協(xié)調(diào)。解決貧困群體問題,既是社會主義的本質(zhì)要求,也是構(gòu)建社會主義和諧社會的必然要求,對于全面推進社會主義現(xiàn)代化建設,實現(xiàn)社會公平正義,確保人民共享改革發(fā)展成果和走共同富裕道路,具有重要的理論價值和實踐意義。 論文從馬克思主義和諧社會的視閾出發(fā),通過對西安市城區(qū)貧困群體問題進行深入考察和系統(tǒng)研究,得出相應的有針對性的解決對策。論文概述了馬克思、恩格斯和諧社會的基本理論,梳理了以江澤民和胡錦濤為代表的當代中國馬克思主義者對和諧社會理論的新發(fā)展。界定了貧困的概念,闡述了以無產(chǎn)階級貧困化為主要內(nèi)容的馬克思、恩格斯和列寧的貧困理論,概括了中國共產(chǎn)黨人提出的反貧困思想。結(jié)合構(gòu)建社會主義和諧社會進程中西安市城區(qū)貧困群體存在的典型問題:下崗失業(yè)群體再就業(yè)難、單親家庭負擔重、失能老年人群體收入來源比較單一、城市流動人口中的農(nóng)民工群體集中在低收入行業(yè),無經(jīng)濟保障殘疾人群體有病難醫(yī),從區(qū)域經(jīng)濟特色不突出、家庭收入低,社會保障制度滯后,城市生活成本較高、公共基礎(chǔ)服務薄弱,病殘老、家庭受變故、貧困群體受教育程度低等多方面分析了西安市城區(qū)貧困群體致貧的原因。有針對性地提出了促進經(jīng)濟社會發(fā)展,創(chuàng)造更多就業(yè)機會;進一步完善貧困群體社會保障制度;加強價格監(jiān)管力度,保持物價穩(wěn)定;提高貧困群體的自身素質(zhì),增強其社會競爭能力;拓寬扶貧渠道,細化扶貧措施等一系列解決西安市城區(qū)貧困群體問題的基本對策。最后闡述了解決貧困群體問題對西安市構(gòu)建社會主義和諧社會的積極意義。
[Abstract]:The existence of the poor groups in the city is a serious obstacle to the construction of a harmonious socialist society, a hidden danger for the city to maintain social stability, a challenge and crisis for the development of the city, and a resistance and difficulty for the sustained and healthy development of the national economy. To solve the problem of poor groups is not only the essential requirement of socialism, but also the inevitable requirement of building a harmonious socialist society. It is of great theoretical value and practical significance to advance the socialist modernization drive, realize social justice, ensure the people to share the fruits of reform and development and take the road of common prosperity. From the point of view of Marxist harmonious society, through the in-depth investigation and systematic research on the problem of urban poverty groups in Xi'an city, the corresponding countermeasures are obtained. Engels' basic theory of harmonious society, combing the new development of contemporary Chinese Marxist theory of harmonious society, represented by Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, defines the concept of poverty. This paper expounds the poverty theory of Marx, Engels and Lenin, whose main content is the impoverishment of the proletariat. This paper summarizes the anti-poverty thoughts put forward by the Chinese Communists. The typical problems existing in the poor groups in Xi'an city area during the process of building a harmonious socialist society are: the reemployment of laid-off and unemployed groups is difficult, and the burden on single-parent families is heavy. The income of the disabled elderly group is relatively single, the migrant workers in the urban floating population are concentrated in the low income industry, the disabled group is ill and difficult to cure without economic security, the regional economic characteristics are not prominent, and the family income is low. The social security system lags behind, the cost of living in cities is relatively high, the public basic services are weak, the disabled are old, and families suffer from changes. This paper analyzes the causes of poverty caused by the poor groups in Xi'an city from many aspects, such as the low education level of the poor groups, proposes to promote economic and social development, create more employment opportunities, and further improve the social security system of the poor groups. Strengthen price supervision to maintain price stability; improve the quality of the poor groups and enhance their social competitiveness; broaden the channels for poverty alleviation; A series of basic countermeasures to solve the problem of poverty group in Xi'an city are given. Finally, the positive significance of solving the problem of poverty group to the construction of harmonious socialist society in Xi'an city is expounded.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前3條

1 向仁康;;基于馬克思貧困理論的我國城市貧困新解讀[J];商業(yè)研究;2012年03期

2 曾敏;向仁康;;馬克思理論視角下我國城市貧困及反貧困研究[J];特區(qū)經(jīng)濟;2011年06期

3 張媛;;西安市貧困人口解決對策[J];西部大開發(fā);2008年01期




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