

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-02-26 15:15

  本文關(guān)鍵詞: 武漢城市圈 金融一體化 金融集聚力 金融輻射力 出處:《湖北工業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the process of economic globalization has been accelerated, and regional economic integration has also developed rapidly. As an important part of regional economic integration, regional financial integration has attracted much attention. The role of regional financial integration in promoting the flow of financial resources in urban areas, resulting in financial agglomeration and radiation effects, is widely recognized. Wuhan City Circle is the center of Hubei Province. In 2007, the State Council approved Wuhan City Circle as an experimental area for comprehensive reform in the construction of a "two-oriented society". For this reason, the provincial government proposed to build a regional financial center in Wuhan. In order to set up a modern financial system, it is clear that we should vigorously promote the financial integration of the inner circle. This paper takes the financial integration of Wuhan City Circle as the research object. To explore how to promote the development of financial integration within the circle. First, to clarify the theoretical basis of regional financial integration. Secondly, to make an empirical analysis of the development of financial integration in Wuhan urban circle from three aspects: 1) to analyze the gold of Wuhan city circle. The financial competitiveness and the financial agglomeration of the financial center cities in Wuhan city circle are analyzed empirically by factor analysis, and the structural analysis of financial integration is carried out to find out the existing problems. And using Wilson model to study the financial radiation power of the financial center in the city circle. (3) using the time series model to analyze the relationship between the financial integration and economic growth of Wuhan urban circle empirically. And further through the panel data model to analyze the relationship between the financial development and economic growth of each city in the financial integration. Finally, the paper summarizes the problems in the development of financial integration in Wuhan city circle. The research results show that the financial integration of Wuhan City Circle has initially appeared, but there is still imbalance in the development of the credit market. Wuhan is the city with the strongest financial competitiveness and the highest level of financial agglomeration. The financial resources are mainly concentrated in Wuhan. Wuhan has the function of financial radiation to other cities in the circle, but its function of financial radiation is not strong. However, the role of economic growth in promoting financial integration is not obvious. On this basis, based on the experience and lessons learned from the development of regional financial integration at home and abroad, according to the actual problems existing in the development of financial integration in Wuhan City Circle, Put forward targeted countermeasures and suggestions: 1) vigorously promote the multi-dimensional financial integration of Wuhan City Circle; (2) continuously enhance the financial agglomeration and financial radiation power of Wuhan, the financial center of Wuhan; 3) continuously improve the financial integration to the economic growth. Support efforts to improve the financial ecological environment.


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