

發(fā)布時間:2018-02-26 03:28

  本文關鍵詞: 政府引導基金 杠桿作用 政府主導 出處:《鄭州大學》2014年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

【摘要】:隨著國際經濟發(fā)展持續(xù)乏力和國內經濟增加下行壓力不斷加大,區(qū)域經濟發(fā)展如何保持健康持續(xù)增長成為一大難題。借鑒國際和國內經驗,當地區(qū)經濟發(fā)展到一定規(guī)模,通過政府出資設立引導基金,吸引社會民間資本投資相關產業(yè),成為一種很好的解決方式。 政府引導基金是由政府出資,吸引社會民間資本參與地方投資,促進區(qū)域經濟發(fā)展的一種投資發(fā)展模式。引導基金主要有四大特點:不以盈利為目的、政府發(fā)揮引導作用、市場化方式運作、發(fā)揮財政資金杠桿作用等。因此當地方經濟發(fā)展到一定的規(guī)模時,適當的采用政府引導基金的模式來吸引民間資本參與地方基金發(fā)展是一種雙贏的選擇。隨著《國務院關于支持河南省加快建設中原經濟區(qū)的指導意見》、《中原經濟區(qū)規(guī)劃(2012—2020年)》和《鄭州航空港經濟綜合實驗區(qū)發(fā)展規(guī)劃(2013—2025年)》的相繼出臺,鄭州的發(fā)展迎來了歷史機遇期,怎樣抓住這次機遇,提升鄭州地區(qū)的產業(yè)競爭力,加快產業(yè)轉型升級,促進戰(zhàn)略性新興產業(yè)的發(fā)展成為鄭州市發(fā)展的重中之重。鑒于此,鄭州市也在積極的探索促進區(qū)域經濟和產業(yè)發(fā)展的良策,借鑒國際和國內成功經驗,設立政府引導基金顯然是最合適的方式之一。 本文首先整體闡述了研究政府引導基金的理論和現實意義,以及目前國內外發(fā)展的基本情況,通過詳細的分析歸納,總結政府引導基金的運作和管理模式,其次對政府發(fā)展的引導基金的背景和必要性,及設立的宗旨和原則、優(yōu)勢劣勢等進行了剖析,并通過研究國內外的成功模式來,總結先進經驗,最終確定合鄭州發(fā)展的政府引導基金模式。 本文認為,鄭州市設立政府引導基金,要借鑒國際和國內的成熟經驗,但是又要有區(qū)別,鄭州市目前金融業(yè)的發(fā)展不是很完備,基礎產業(yè)的發(fā)展還處在轉型期,因此政府必須主導引導基金,才能有效發(fā)揮引導基金的作用,才能實現吸收民間社會資金投入政府重點發(fā)展的產業(yè)區(qū)域,同時又能使私營投資業(yè)發(fā)展壯大起來,盤活了民間的沉淀資金,可謂是多點開花,最終形成共贏的局面。
[Abstract]:As the international economic development continues to lacklustre and the domestic economy increases under increasing downward pressure, how to maintain healthy and sustained growth in regional economic development has become a major problem. Learn from international and domestic experience, when the regional economy develops to a certain scale, It is a good solution to attract private capital to invest in related industries through the establishment of guiding fund funded by the government. The government-led fund is a kind of investment development mode which is funded by the government, attracts the social and folk capital to participate in the local investment, and promotes the development of regional economy. There are four main characteristics of the guiding fund: the government plays the leading role not for the purpose of profit, but also for the benefit of the government. Operating in a market-oriented manner, giving full play to the role of financial leverage, etc. Therefore, when the local economy develops to a certain scale, It is a win-win choice to use the model of government-led fund to attract private capital to participate in the development of local fund. Along with the "guidance opinion of the State Council on supporting the Construction of Central Plains Economic Zone in Henan Province", "Central Plains economy", "Central Plains economy" The regional planning (2012-2020) and the "Zhengzhou Airport Economic Comprehensive Experimental area Development Plan 2013-2025)" have been issued one after another. The development of Zhengzhou has ushered in a historical opportunity period. How to seize this opportunity, enhance the industrial competitiveness of Zhengzhou region, speed up the industrial transformation and upgrade, and promote the development of strategic emerging industries have become the top priority of Zhengzhou's development. Zhengzhou City is also actively exploring the promotion of regional economic and industrial development of good strategies, drawing on international and domestic successful experience, the establishment of government-led funds is obviously one of the most appropriate way. Firstly, this paper expounds the theoretical and practical significance of the research on the government-guided fund, and the basic situation of the development at home and abroad, and summarizes the operation and management mode of the government-guided fund through detailed analysis and induction. Secondly, the paper analyzes the background and necessity of the government's guiding fund, the purpose and principle of its establishment, its advantages and disadvantages, and sums up its advanced experience by studying the successful models at home and abroad. Finally determine the development of Zhengzhou government-led fund model. This paper holds that in setting up the government guiding fund in Zhengzhou, it is necessary to draw lessons from the mature experience of the international and domestic countries, but there must be differences. At present, the development of the financial industry in Zhengzhou is not very complete, and the development of the basic industry is still in the transition period. Therefore, the government must lead and guide the fund in order to effectively play the role of guiding the fund, to realize the absorption of civil society funds into the key industrial areas of development of the government, and at the same time to enable the private investment industry to develop and expand. Invigorate the folk precipitate funds, it can be said that many points blossom, and ultimately form a win-win situation.


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