

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-08 10:42

  本文選題:新型農(nóng)民合作經(jīng)濟(jì)組織 切入點(diǎn):發(fā)展 出處:《江蘇大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

[Abstract]:Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy. At present, in the actual process of agricultural development in China, there is a contradiction between the small-scale production of farmers and the large market, which hinders the development of agriculture. All kinds of peasant cooperative organizations are just one of the ways to solve these problems. As a new form of organization, the new peasant cooperative economic organization not only innovates the way of product exchange, circulation organization, but also the way of distribution. In the process of development, it is full of vigor and vitality, which provides a way to solve the series of problems in the course of agricultural development. Since 21th century, the new peasant cooperative economic organization has been guaranteed by law. At the same time, it has obtained the concrete supporting measures from the financial and tax aspects, which indicates that the development of the new peasant cooperative economic organization in our country has entered a new stage of legalization and standardization. Some achievements have been made, the scale of which has been increasing, the service function has been continuously improved, the market competitiveness of agricultural products has been improved, the farmers' degree of organization has been gradually improved, the risk security system has been continuously improved, and gradually moving towards commercialization. However, in the process of development of cooperative economic organizations, there are also some problems, such as small overall scale, unreasonable distribution of industries, low added value of products, imperfect construction of agricultural talents, and so on. It is mainly caused by imperfect laws and policies, insufficient motive force for organizational development, low level of members' understanding of cooperatives, and imperfect management system of talent education. Based on this, on the one hand, in the process of building new cooperative economic organizations, It needs to be guided by the Marxist cooperative economic thought, which mainly refers to and innovates the cooperative economic thought of Marx and Engels, Lenin's cooperative economic thought and the cooperative economic thought in the process of Marxism's Sinicization. On the other hand, in order to promote the standardized development of the new peasant cooperative economic organizations, we must adhere to the principle of appropriate state help, run by the people, manage and benefit the people, and take measures according to local conditions. The principle of common development in many forms, as well as the principle of progressive and steady development... in particular, the role of the Government in providing financial policy assistance, broadening the scope of market activities and strengthening legislation are needed. To create a good development environment for the development of cooperative economic organizations. In addition, the new farmers' professional cooperative economic organizations themselves should make good development plans, improve decision-making mechanisms and benefit distribution mechanisms. Strengthening internal supervision and other means to enhance the internal cohesion of cooperative organizations; at the same time, guiding new farmers' specialized cooperative economic organizations to enter the market, giving play to the role of science and technology in promoting the green production of cooperative economic organizations, In order to meet the needs of the market, farmers as the main participants should change their thinking of development, actively change their ideas, establish the concept of talents, actively participate in skills training, contribute to the development of the organization, and unite the government, organizations and farmers. Make joint efforts to promote the development of farmers' cooperative economy and realize the transformation of farmers' income and modern agriculture.


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1 王秋s,




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