

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-10 15:10

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:虛擬品牌社群中顧客互動對品牌忠誠度的影響研究 出處:《南華大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 虛擬品牌社群 顧客互動 人機(jī)互動 人際互動 品牌忠誠度

[Abstract]:Under the background of experience economy and Internet economy, with the quickening of people's life rhythm, science and technology have brought about the change of consumption concept and consumption mode of residents, and it has become the consensus of most consumers to compare goods on the Internet. In particular, the implementation of China's "Internet" action plan, mass entrepreneurship innovation, has become the new normal in the industry. The drawbacks of the traditional brand community are increasingly exposed. The new virtual brand community breaks the limitation of time and space, reduces the threshold of customer participation, and gathers a large number of loyal customers. Now it has become a prominent highlight of enterprise marketing innovation. How to let consumers master more information and not create information overload under the network environment to improve the quality of customer decision-making. The cultivation of consumer attention and brand loyalty has become a major problem in marketing practice. This study is based on the previous theoretical research and combined with the research practice. This paper analyzes the mechanism of network brand loyalty from the unique perspective of "customer interaction". This paper divides customer interaction into two dimensions: man-machine interaction and interpersonal interaction. Innovative choice of virtual brand customer interaction as independent variables, with community identity as an intermediary variable, a virtual brand community customer interaction on the impact of brand loyalty theoretical model. The purpose of this paper is to determine the relationship among customer interaction, community identity and online brand loyalty in virtual brand community. According to the established model, this paper synthesizes the theories of previous scholars and designs the scale of this study. The data collection of this paper is mainly through paper questionnaire and questionnaire star website two ways of recycling, through the analysis of customer interaction to brand loyalty relationship. Then using the SPSS19.0 statistical software to analyze the impact of customer interaction on brand loyalty model under virtual brand community, and verify the relevant assumptions and amend them. Finally, this paper analyzes the relationship between customer interaction and brand loyalty in virtual brand community. This paper puts forward some feasible suggestions on how to cultivate brand loyalty and management innovation. The conclusions of this paper are as follows: 1) Human-computer interaction and interpersonal interaction have a significant positive impact on community identity. 2) as an intermediary variable, community identity has a positive driving effect on brand loyalty. This is consistent with the point of view confirmed by domestic scholars. The cultivation and promotion of brand loyalty of community identity should not be underestimated through empirical analysis. Human-computer interaction and interpersonal interaction have a significant impact on online brand loyalty. According to the above ideas and empirical analysis results, the author puts forward the relevant marketing enlightenment and suggestions for the enterprise marketing. It mainly focuses on the depth of corporate culture and the management of website module, the innovation of social interaction mechanism, the cooperation and relationship between corporate community and individual community, and the combination of brand community online and offline.


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10 孫s,




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