

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-10 13:34

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:考慮用戶響應(yīng)的動態(tài)尖峰電價優(yōu)化決策模型研究 出處:《華北電力大學(xué)(北京)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 尖峰電價 用戶響應(yīng) 動態(tài)電價 電動汽車 綜合評價體系

[Abstract]:With the continuous growth of power demand in China, the peak load of some economically developed provinces and cities is increasing in summer. It is not economical to solve the problem of power supply imbalance only relying on generation side resource regulation. Unsafe. If you use demand response measures, you can better guide users, mobilize demand-side resources such as electric vehicles, large-scale air conditioning and ice storage equipment to interact with the grid. As an important part of demand response, electricity price mechanism can use price lever to cut the peak and fill the valley. Its role will also be more and more important. At this stage, China generally implements the time-sharing price, but the time-sharing price is the static price with relatively fixed rate. The peak-peak price is also peak-peak-equal-valley time-sharing price, which is less dynamic. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to design a reasonable dynamic peak-price mechanism to guide customers to reduce or transfer peak load. In this paper, a dynamic peak-price optimization decision model considering user response is proposed. In the proposed peak-price, the method of dynamically determining peak day and peak time by using threshold and fuzzy membership degree is given. Then, based on the response of customers to peak price, a decision model of peak price optimization is established, which takes into account the interests of power grid companies and users, and comprehensive consideration of customer satisfaction. The simulation results show that the peak price can obviously reduce the peak load, improve the load characteristics, but also reduce the user's electricity expenditure. Secondly, the simulation results show that the peak price can obviously reduce the peak load and improve the load characteristics. In this paper, the effect of peak price on the demand side resource of electric vehicle is discussed. In this paper, the random charging mode is analyzed by Monte Carlo method according to the relevant data. The charge and discharge load curves of three charging scenarios, such as orderly charging mode and V2G mode, were simulated to analyze the changes of peak price before and after optimization. The peak price can obviously improve the charge and discharge load of electric vehicle. At the same time, the two-way interaction between electric vehicle and power grid can also further improve the reliability of power grid. In order to promote the promotion and implementation of peak-peak electricity price, a related evaluation system is established. In the comprehensive evaluation system of this paper, the implementation effect of peak-peak electricity price is combed, and a suitable framework is established. The evaluation index is defined and the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process is used to evaluate. This evaluation mechanism can provide appropriate feedback information and provide effective supporting opinions to power companies, users and relevant government departments. It is of great significance to further improve the peak-peak price mechanism.


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