

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-10 12:09

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:山西高校碩士研究生心理健康水平對職業(yè)選擇的影響研究 出處:《山西財經(jīng)大學》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 碩士研究生 心理健康水平 職業(yè)選擇 對策

[Abstract]:With the increased enrollment of higher learning phenomenon seriously, higher education reform and the gradually growing popularity, the employment problems of university students is increasing, the imbalance of labor market oversupply has become a common phenomenon. From twenty-first Century ten years before the employment problems of college students to graduate students in recent years have begun to appear the problem of "difficult employment" and the continuing poor employment rate of graduate employment problem of students sounded the alarm, the government issued policies aimed at stimulating economic growth, increasing job opportunities, coordinate graduate employment difficulties. However, these policies and measures from society, school, family perspective, the impact on employment has long been neglected and their psychological factors graduate students. In addition, with the social progress and technological development, demand for job seekers tend to diversify, successful employment cannot do without the necessary work in Raise, the candidates psychological quality requirements are increasingly high. Therefore, this article attempts from the perspective of psychological health of the postgraduates based on the occupation unit, place of work, salary expectation effect, and thus to improve the mental health level of Postgraduates of countermeasures, in order to improve the employment rate of the whole research the purpose of this article to Parsons. - job matching theory, Bandura three yuan interactive decision theory, rational choice theory as the basis, using the method of literature analysis, empirical analysis and other ways to explore and put forward the hypothesis and verify the following conclusions: (1) this paper through the sample descriptive statistics obtains Shanxi Province graduate students' psychological health level is in a good state of psychological health, the overall situation is good, only about 20% of the study on the psychological health level of students of moderate or low, there is still some students psychological health Kang level needs to be enhanced. (2) in the mental health level of the students and the nature of the occupation unit graduate selection verification confirmed that the mental health level is higher, more inclined to a high degree of freedom, innovation and strong work unit hypothesis. (3) this paper analysis shows that in the face of each line of the city's occupation choice in the postgraduate psychological health level is higher, in the choice of working area will be fully adapt to the work in every city. (4) the mental health of the postgraduate level of occupation and salary expectation choice also plays a certain role in the face of the four expected salary on the selection of graduate students psychological health level the higher salary expectation in the choice of more inclined to choose more challenging, more rewarding work. (5) according to the analysis results of this paper, the author from the Graduate School of government, society, family, the four directions that improve the master In the mental health level of postgraduate. Including: establish self-confidence, establish a correct sense of self; enhance the self adjustment ability, establish a correct outlook on life and values; to strengthen the self education, evaluation of its own objective; the creation of mental health education and related activities, develop professional psychological teachers; establish dynamic mental health prevention, assessment, consulting system optimization; learning environment construction of graduate students, create a relaxed and free environment of the campus; attention of government and society, improve the living environment of government; construction of postgraduate exchange platform, to strengthen the mental health network control; implementation of community investigation and hospital propaganda system combining mental health cooperation; promote peer support, strengthen emotional communication perfect; tutor system, learn elder experience; strengthen family psychological education, create a good family atmosphere.



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