

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-10 04:13

  本文關鍵詞:世界優(yōu)秀男子網(wǎng)球運動員選賽特征分析 出處:《北京體育大學》2017年碩士論文 論文類型:學位論文

  更多相關文章: 網(wǎng)球 男子 選賽

[Abstract]:The study selected seven world elite men tennis players who won the Grand Slam championship from 2006 to 2015. After entering the 600th place and then breaking through to the 100th place, the characteristics of the race selection are the research object, mainly using the literature method and the expert interview method. Mathematical statistics to analyze the seven world elite men tennis players in this stage of the ranking of all the selection number, selection level, selection area, interval. In order to find out the scientific guiding factors of the key stage of the world elite male tennis players, the data such as the proportion of single doubles and the change of world ranking are comprehensively analyzed. Reduce the disadvantage of losing a match outside of non-technical factors. This paper hopes to provide a selection strategy and theoretical guidance for male professional tennis players in the crucial stage of their career. The average number of singles players in this stage of the world's elite men's tennis players after entering 600th place and then breaking into the 100th place is 20.3 stations. Float between 12-39 stops. Number of annual races is controlled between 12-16 stops. The higher the professional achievement, the higher the financial factors should be taken into account in the regional selection and the region in which you are located.) it is hoped that the competition and challenge will be easier to obtain competition points and prize money. But at the beginning of this stage, the athletes with the ATP250 competition as the main player can get better professional achievements than the athletes who want to play or challenge the competition.) the clay field competition is the first choice for the athletes at this stage. Secondly, the hard ground event, carpet event as the third choice of athletes, grass is the minimum number of athletes choose the type of venue. 5) on the basis of ensuring physical fitness. Athletes can choose to concentrate on the selection of doubles competition should rely on the singles, in the selection of the competition should consider the level of competition opponents, competition bonuses, competition area and their own physical condition.


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