

發(fā)布時間:2018-01-09 05:05

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:社會化小農(nóng)經(jīng)濟研究 出處:《東北財經(jīng)大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 理性水平 完全經(jīng)濟理性邊界 社會化小農(nóng)

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's economic development has made great achievements, the increasing demand for labor in the industrial economy has liberated the surplus labor force in rural China, and the combination of agricultural production elements has been constantly adjusted. With the advancement of the market economy, the rural family production and life style has been greatly changed, and the family resource endowment has also been obviously improved in the new period. The traditional theory of smallholder farmers has been unable to fully explain the current small farmers' motivation and behavior mode. The current state carries out the development strategy of "industry feeding agriculture", and the agricultural development has got more policy inclination; The 18 Congress also pointed out that to build a well-off society in an all-round way in 2020, the "three issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers" is the key to understanding the "three rural areas" and the basis for understanding rural areas and agriculture. Therefore, based on the demand of reality, we establish a kind of small-scale agricultural economy theory which can combine the actual situation of the current rural areas. It has become increasingly urgent. This paper uses Gary Becker's economic analysis principle and the "New Economic Man" hypothesis to sort out the traditional smallholder theory and establish a "household income and expenditure model". The development stage of small farmers is divided into three stages, and the boundary of complete economic rationality of small farmers is defined, and the development stage of small farmers in the present period is judged. From the perspective of "socialized smallholder", this paper makes an economic analysis on the motivation and behavior pattern of smallholder farmers in the current period. The basic assumption of socialized smallholder farmers is that the socialization level of small farmers is very high. It makes small farm households face huge "money expenditure pressure". The deficiency of this paper is that this assumption is adopted in this paper. The paper is divided into six parts: the first part, the first chapter, the introduction. The paper briefly describes the background and significance of the research, and the framework of the paper. The research method and the innovation and insufficiency of this paper; The second part, the second chapter, the literature review. Combing the traditional "smallholder theory", introduces the standpoint and the main point of view of the small farmer rational problem of each small agronomy party; The third part, the third chapter, the small farmer rationality discriminates, uses the Becker "economic analysis" principle and the "new economic man" hypothesis to carry on the discrimination to the small farmer rationality, carries on the stage division to the small farmer development process; Chapter 4th, chapter 4th, chapter 5th. Chapter 4th combined with statistical data to judge the current stage of development of smallholder farmers, leading to the theory of socialized smallholder farmers. 5th chapter of the socialized small farmers "monetary ethics" economic analysis. To find the basis of microeconomics for socialized smallholder theory; Part 5th, Chapter 6th. Using Lewis's "dual economic theory", taking the rural labor force flow as the main line, this paper analyzes the development trend of agriculture in the future period. To establish the macroeconomic environment for the socialized smallholder theory. Part 6th, Chapter 7th, draw a conclusion: the historical background, institutional environment and family endowment are different in each stage. The corresponding motivation and behavior model and rational level are different. With the increase of resource endowment, the concepts of "small farmer" and "small farm economy" will be gradually desalinated. In the future, there will be only family theory to describe the behavior and motivation of the family.


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相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前1條

1 張文周;社會化小農(nóng)經(jīng)濟研究[D];東北財經(jīng)大學(xué);2016年





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