

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-08 11:05

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:基于改進(jìn)NPE算法的間歇過(guò)程故障診斷研究 出處:《蘭州理工大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 間歇過(guò)程 故障診斷 鄰域保持嵌入算法(NPE) SPA-MKNPE GNPE-LICA TGNPE TDNPE

[Abstract]:With the development of industrial process toward intelligent, large-scale and integrated development, the production process becomes more and more complex. The complex system is vulnerable to the interference of the external environment and their own aging equipment and all kinds of faults, to realize the automation of industrial process to improve production efficiency, requires the control system is stable, the need for real-time monitoring of the the production process of batch process. Because of its advantages of more and more widely in practical applications, batch process products are batch output, once a time of the production process or a variable fault, but it is not solved in time, will make the whole batch of products meet the requirements, so as to bring huge economic losses therefore, process monitoring and fault diagnosis of batch process is more important. For the batch process is complicated, it is difficult to obtain accurate process model, based on data driven Multivariate statistical methods, does not need the precise model of the process, only the history and online data can be achieved on the process monitoring and fault diagnosis, along with the development of sensor technology and widely used in the industrial process, the process of acquiring data and history always become easy, may provide for the wide application of data driven fault diagnosis based on the data in the process. How to fully extract the feature information useful for monitoring process is the key process monitoring and fault diagnosis, compared with principal component analysis (PCA) algorithms only focus on the global features of the process of information, neighborhood preserving embedding (NPE) algorithm from the local feature information of data dig out minutiae information for batch process more. This article mainly aims at the existing in the batch process monitoring and fault diagnosis problems in the process of neighborhood preserving embedding algorithm (NPE) Has been improved, and its main research contents are as follows: 1. for strong nonlinear batch process, the traditional approach is to decompose the covariance matrix of the data, ignoring the data information of high order statistics, to fully extract effective information of nonlinear process caused by the problem of poor diagnostic effect, combined with the accounting method and the high dimensional statistics information is proposed a multi kernel neighborhood preserving embedding (SPA-MKNPE) algorithm based on statistics. Firstly, statistic pattern analysis (SPA) method of sample data will be projected to the statistics in the sample space, you can more fully extract the information of high order statistics and nonlinear data; statistics in space by kernel function will be mapped into high statistics dimensional kernel space is used to solve the nonlinear data; finally the application of neighborhood in the high dimensional kernel space is fully extracted according to local node number preserving embedding algorithm Structure to monitor batch process, detect process after fault by using variable contribution plot method to diagnose the fault variables. Through the penicillin fermentation process to validate the SPA-MKNPE algorithm for nonlinear batch process fault diagnosis of the effectiveness of.2. for batch process data is very difficult with single foot Gauss distribution, mixing usually includes Gauss component it contains non Gauss component distribution, traditional methods can not take into account the data of global and local features in feature extraction, we propose a fault diagnosis algorithm of MGNPE-LICA. Firstly, D test was used for the original data into Gauss space and Gauss space, the Gauss space MGNPE algorithm is used to extract the local structure in full feature data when considering the global features of the data; for non Gauss space with MLICA algorithm in solving the problem of non Gauss and better maintain the global and local data The Ministry of information. Then the two space monitoring index of the synthesis of a joint monitoring indicators to monitor the process of penicillin fermentation process. Through the validation of the MGNPE-LICA algorithm in solving the distributed batch process data the validity of.3. for 3D data of batch process in the process of two-dimensional in internal structure will inevitably lead to destruction and global data with the local feature information cannot be taken into account in the process of extraction problem, we propose a tensor global local neighborhood preserving embedding algorithm (TGNPE). The method first uses tensor decomposition model directly on 3D data, data without expansion, effectively preserve the internal structure of the data, and then the neighborhood preserving embedding algorithm fully extracted data locally the structure information of both global information data and realize more fully to extract the data feature information, TGNPE algorithm to detect faults after use The contribution of graph fault diagnosis variable. Through the penicillin fermentation process to verify the TGNPE extraction method is more conducive to the data information of batch process, higher diagnostic accuracy of.4. for dynamic characteristics of the batch process in time and space, and proposes a dynamic neighborhood tensor decomposition keep embedding (TDNPE) algorithm based on tensor decomposition method first uses. The batch process data as two order tensor in the tensor space data to the quantification process of data modeling to avoid, the internal structure of the data is destroyed; and then use dynamic neighborhood preserving embedding algorithm in tensor Space Extraction of feature information, and the local feature space and time, effectively solves the dynamic characteristics of the process. Through the simulation experiment of penicillin fermentation process to verify the effectiveness of the TDNPE algorithm.



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