

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-08 04:04

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:廣東省城市化時(shí)空演變與經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展的耦合研究 出處:《華南理工大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 城市化 經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展 時(shí)空演變 耦合度 城市化效率

[Abstract]:Urbanization is the driving force of our country's long-term economic development, a large number of agricultural people come to the city, the urban space scope expands; At the same time, the second tertiary industry has been developed, economic growth has been rapid, social and cultural construction is increasingly perfect. In 2015, China's economic growth rate slowed down. Under the background of co-existence of opportunities and challenges, it has become a problem that economists pay attention to. Guangdong Province is the pilot and front line of China's reform and opening up, and the regional economic development within the province is different. It is a microcosm of China's economic blueprint. This paper studies the spatial and temporal evolution of the urbanization level and economic development level of Guangdong Province, and the coupling relationship between the two. Based on the relevant theories of regional economics, economic geography, spatial economics and econometrics, entropy method is used in this paper. The mean-variance weighting method is used to study the temporal and spatial evolution of urbanization level and economic development level in Guangdong Province from 1985 to 2014, and the correlation between them is studied with the aid of coupling and coordination degree. Using data envelopment method to study urbanization efficiency. The following conclusion is drawn: 1) the urbanization level is measured from five dimensions: population, economy, space, society and environment. The spatial distribution of Guangdong Province shows that the Pearl River Delta region is far higher than the surrounding cities, and the quality of urbanization in each city is significantly different. With Guangzhou and Shenzhen as the double centers, the spillover effect of Guangzhou is weaker than that of Shenzhen. The increase of population leads to the expansion of space, while economic development and social progress promote each other. 2) the level of economic development is measured from the three dimensions of economic scale, economic quality and economic structure. The paper studies the coupling between urbanization and economic development. With the development of industrialization, the coupling of urbanization and economic development presents an inverted "U" curve. Based on the potential of sustainable development, the evaluation results of the economic development system in Guangdong Province show that there is a significant regional imbalance, and the economic development of most cities lags behind the level of urbanization. It shows that most of Guangdong Province belongs to extensive growth in the process of development, and the economic spillover effect between cities is not significant.) in the study of the efficiency of 21 cities in Guangdong Province, it can be found that, with the passage of time. More and more cities reach DEA efficiency. The comprehensive efficiency of some undeveloped cities in both wings and mountain areas is 1 or close to 1, which reflects the insufficient investment in urbanization and the increase of urban construction. Encourage the transfer of local agricultural population to cities; After considering the negative output of environmental pollution, the environmental urbanization efficiency of other cities except Zhuhai is lower than that of traditional urbanization. Some cities in the Pearl River Delta region have the problems of redundant input of elements and ineffective scientific and technological progress.


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