

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-08 02:31

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:安徽省農(nóng)村金融發(fā)展對(duì)農(nóng)民生活質(zhì)量影響的實(shí)證研究 出處:《安徽農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 農(nóng)村金融發(fā)展 農(nóng)民生活質(zhì)量 對(duì)比分析 統(tǒng)計(jì)與計(jì)量分析

[Abstract]:Anhui province is a major agricultural province, the "three rural issues" is related to the steady growth in the economic and social harmony. With the basic problems of rural financial reform in Anhui province to improve the financial support system, provides a strong support to promote the development of "three agriculture". However, "people-oriented" is the core and purpose of the development of things whether it is the development of production, the new rural construction of the "well-off life", or a better rural planning requirements of "Xiang Jing beautiful, livable environment", in essence can be summarized as to improve the quality of life of farmers in rural financial problems. Therefore, whether it can really play a role in supporting agriculture, ultimately depends on its on the improvement of farmers' life force. Aiming at the problem of rural financial development impact on the quality of life of farmers, according to the following ideas: first, the specific research review of rural financial development and farmers Theory of life quality, the basic concepts of the two, the basic content is properly defined; and to clarify the positive effect of rural financial development to improve the quality of life of farmers from the two aspects of influence mechanism and the influence way; also we compare the quality of life of farmers in Anhui province and the status of financial support shortage analysis shows the necessity of improving the quality of farmers living in Anhui province and the significance of the financial support to improve the lives of farmers. Secondly, by means of statistics and related research projects, analysis of rural finance in Anhui province for the supply and demand level; at the same time, starting from the perspective of credit rationing, compared with the other 30 provinces, to investigate the satisfaction degree of the rural financial supply in Anhui on the demand of rural finance; combined with the Anhui province rural financial supply, the real situation of the rural finance supporting agriculture in Anhui province to clear out the deficiencies Body performance. Thirdly, from the empirical point, in an objective perspective, the construction of rural financial development index and the farmers' life quality index system, using factor analysis method and quantitative analysis method, focuses on the research of Anhui Province Rural Finance and farmers' quality of life and the relationship between the financial supporting actual effect, results show that: whether long-term or short-term, Anhui province the expansion of the scale of rural finance can help farmers to improve the quality of life, but the impact on the quality of life of farmers in rural financial efficiency is not significant, even to suppress; at the same time, compared with other provinces in Anhui Province showed that the rural finance agricultural loan scale is small, relatively, the quality of life of farmers is relatively poor at last. Summary, the above analysis, in order to improve the quality of life of farmers in Anhui province for the purpose, put forward to strengthen the rural financial support for agricultural production, increase rural consumer credit Increase the supply of rural infrastructure and environmental construction funds and other aspects of policy recommendations. In addition, taking into account the different regions of China in the economic, cultural, social and other significant differences in many aspects, the only study of the situation in Anhui province is too one-sided, the force is not strong. So, in in the process of writing, this method through analyzing the detailed study on the part of the contents, and then further to find out the weakness of convenient rural financial strength in Anhui Province, and put forward targeted improvements.



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